25 Reunion(10)

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Mei and Remier laughed as they fell to the ground. James ran, jumping out of a window from a room he bursted in. Iris looked at Lily with a smile as she helped her untie the rope behind her back. Paris huffed looking upwards, he closed his eyes as he sunk in thoughts.
"Damnit....Mei you imbacile.... even your clone is on your side...." James mumbled to himself. He walkes out on the bushes and unto the streets, Clothes dirty and ragged.
"I'll have to find another way to stop this. Only I will be Ian's favorite and nobody else." James mumbled as he took of his coat hanging it by his shoulder while walking, he snaps his finger with a small spark followed it. The mirrors vanished like dust inside the room. Nora and Atsuko ran up to Yumi giving a big hug, Yumi giggled hugging back.
"I thought you said you were going to be back like...in a few weeks or so." Iris said with a smirk. Paris rolled his eyes, hands on waist as he raised a brow at Iris and Lily.
"I said that because I want to spend some time here, Investigating ofcourse." Paris said dusting his shoulders a bit, hopping down the stage, slowly walking up to Nora, Atsuko, and Yumi. The place was filled with chatters and laughs. Mei untied Remier's hands who gave another hug.
"It's been so long big sister." Remier said with a smile. Mei chuckled before it turned into concern.
"Did he hurt you? Did he do something to you? What happened to your eye? Did he do that?" Mei asked in concern, touching Remier's cheek.
"Meilana....i'm fine." Remier said easing Mei down.
"Alright, but don't call me Meilana. Y'now I changed my name to Meician for a reason." Mei said pinching Remier's cheek. Remier apologized, struggling to stop Mei's hand. Ale stood up sighing in relief.
"Gahg!" Lily yelped gripping her arm, Paris turned in shock as he looked around to find the source of the bullet. He quickly aimed his gun up the ceiling, a gunshot was heard as a body fell down the chandelier, hitting the ground hard. Lily knelt down in pain as the bleeding continued, Iris gasped looking at Lily.
"Oh no....the bullet's poisoned..." Remier said looking at Lily's arm as it turned bluish, veins becoming visible. Ian dashed forward taking a knife out his pocket.
"Ok it's either I cut your arm off, that would be quick and painless or I take the bullet out and let Ale take the poison out since i'm too old to suck it out but it's slow and painful." Ian suggested as he deadpanned Lily.
"W-What!?? I don't wanna lose an arm! Don't you like have anastesia??" Lily said. Ian bit his lip before he went cutting Lily's arm, he took the bullet out using the knife. Ale ran up the stage looking at Lily's arm, taking out a small red liquid filled bottle. Lily bit her lip in pain as her sister Iris looked in concern on Lily. Ale gave a small drop on the wound as it started to heal slowly.
"Just who in the right mind didn't say anything about that person on the chandelier!??" Mei said outloud to the toys inside the place. Nora and Atsuko groaned as they listened, Yumi sat down watching as she looked right and left. A cat crouched beside a wall looking back at Yumi as it purred silently.
"Kitty!" Yumi said smiling as she walked towards it, the cat purred standing up and walked towards Yumi.
"Hello little one. You must be the new owner and master of little master Paris." The cat said, Yumi nodded in answer.
"Oh my, you really are a smart one. You can understand me even though we don't speak the same language." The cat said purring as Yumi petted it's head.
"Would you like to know my name while they all are in a ruckus?" The cat asked as it layed down for Yumi to pet more, Yumi nodded willingly with smiling.
"Well...I don't really have a name, people or my little master Meician prefers to call me Paris from how I act." The cat said blepping Yumi, Yumi giggled looking at the cat eye to eye.
"Paris!" Yumi said, the cat's heart melted as it looked up with sparkly eyes.
"Your even adorable! Must be one of the reasons Paris is already a fond of you since the very beginning." The cat said, chuckling as it did so, Yumi tilted her head in confusion.
"Oh dear, I better get going. Paris terribly hates animals around his favorites, good bye." The cat said, standing as it walked away.
"Do not worry, we will meet again maybe. Have a sweet dream." The cat said as it vanished from Yumi's sight, Darkness slowly consuming her as she closed her eyes.


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