12- Curt's karma

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Curt's Pov;
I walked the straight path leading me to the house Red lives in, why am I still visiting? I sigh as I knock on her door with a slight hesitation, Red opened the door greeting me with that warm smile, what an angel.
"How have you been? Did you settle in fine?" Red asked as I walked in her house, darn the house altered.
"I've been really great thanks to you! I'm also settling in fine and all." I said reassuring her, I can tell she felt a bit worried since I did tell her i'm trying to run away from someone dangerous, I sat in the living room with Red going into the kitchen fixing me a drink maybe.
"Oh I forgot to mention that my nephews are sleeping upstairs, I hope you don't mind being a bit quite." Red said, I gave her a thumbs up of approval as I scanned my camera, oh... it seems a bit of new? Fixed itself a bit maybe... I smile testing it out, I stand from my seat headed myself to the window, the flash was invicible as it took the picture with ease, I slowly accepted the picture as I swayed it into the air for it to finish faster, I look at the picture scanning every bit until something sinister caught my eyes, a flash of dark red and strong aura filled one of the stores, is this karma? It has to be... I mean it's been so long since I...

Chirp! Chirp!

A noise caught my attention as I look up to see a beautiful red bird, I calm myself down taking a picture of the bird, I zoom the camera a bit as the bird filled the screen, I slowly accepted the picture swaying it in the air, Red chuckled as I nervously smiled at her, the picture was finished showing a normal red bird, thank god I was only seeing things... Red walked up to me who was amazed looking at the red bird.
"The bird is beautiful..." Red said smiling at the picture.
"You can have it if you like." I said making her smile at me thankfully.
"I should frame this." Red said, I chuckle as we talked to waste the time in our hands.
Hours passed I had to go, I wave goodbye to Red and her nephews who were very nice to me, I walked home as the dim street lights shined my way home as I smile a bit after seeing Red safe and my karma hasn't gotten into my way yet, I open my door flicking the light's on as I shut the door behind me locking it up, I turn around facing my living room, somebody was there.
"I know your there, show yourself who ever you are." I said as the figure shifted from the couch and stood...

End of pov

Curt gasped awake from his bed as the sun lit his face making him hiss in pain, Curt covered his face, rubbing his own face to clear his vision, he takes his glasses from the counter, wearing it as he stood up from his bed making his way to the bathroom to calm himself down from another nightmare. Curt wet his face with cold water from the sink, loud yelling could be visibly heard inside his room, Curt focuses his emotions to himself as loud thumping could be heard getting louder. Curt's door slammed open, Paris barged in whacking Curt's head hard.
"Ow!! What was that for!??" Curt said groaning in pain, rubbing his own head while Paris growled.
"Fuckin grey head where the hell is Mei!!?" Paris said grabbing Curt by his shirt.
"I don't know! I swear!" Curt said covering his own face for an incoming punch that might occur.
"Don't fuck with me Curt, you know where she is for sure as hell!" Paris said shoving Curt down, Curt still declined. Paris huffs in frustration punching the wall beside Curt's door giving a hole to it.
"Little master you are called down stairs..." a maid said bowing to Paris.
"Who would call me in this hour..?" Paris said calming down.
"It's Ivan little master..." the maid said earning a groan from Paris.
"Tell that old man i'm not going." Paris said walking away, the maid bowed in respect entering Curt's room to assist him. Ivan sat on the couch with a baby in hand as he softly touched the cute cheek of the small baby in the blanket.
"Where is Paris?" Ivan said looking at Ian who shrugged counting the cash in his hands, Ivan sighs and giggles at the baby waking up.
"Whose this baby sir?" Paul said looking at the baby who went back to sleep in ease.
"Oh, her name..?"
"Wake up Yumi. You have to say bye-bye to P now." Lily said waving to the Paris by the front door, it was night time and they had to take Yumi back to the Wright's family now.
"Bye-bye!" Yumi said while being carried by Lily who giggled, Iris was already home since Lily told her to.
"They will be passing in 3..."
"Mff!!?" Lily muffles getting grabbed as darkness consumed her conciousness, Yumi gets her conciousness consumed by darkness aswell.
"Ey, stranger are these the two you wanted?" A man with a mask said over the phone, a woman tied Lily while carrying Yumi.
"Aww~ babe look this kids kinda cute~ I want this kid." The woman said softly touching Yumi's cheek with care.
"The fuck- no. We are not and by that I mean I will not take responsibilities on this kid hun." The man said carrying Lily up, the woman whines from the declining but shrugs it off.
"Who the hell is up at this hour!?" Nora said sitting up from the bed, Atsuko awoke aswell checking thr alarm clock beside her.
"It's like four in the morning..." Atsuko said before yawning.
"I'll get it." Atsuko said.
"Alright, I better see you alive." Nora said making Atsuko chuckle. Iris kept on knocking on the door with worry in her face until Atsuko finally opened.
"Is Lily here??" Iris said.
"No..?" Atsuko said, sooner thumping was heard getting louder.
"Atsuko!! Where is Yumi!?!" Nora said shaking Atsuko by her shoulders.
"C-calm down! Nora stop!!" Atsuko said.
"Nora have you seen my sister?!?" Iris said, Nora now became more worried.
"Wait, I think Yumi was with Lily before the three of us went home." Atsuko said earning a yelp of shock. Paris sat on the couch thinking of alot of random questions.
"Why is this place so dead when Yumi's not here..?" Paris said to his self while looking up the ceiling.


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