20- Reunion(6)

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Ian entered the stage as the loud cheering filled the scenery, Ian took a microphone before giving off a smile.
"Thank you for coming here today, it's been so long..." Ian said eyeing every toy, counting every toy.
"I have really missed all of you..." Ian said, sooner Ian was now giving a long speech, Paris and Mei already knew it was useless to listen.
"Mei..." Paris whispered quitely, Mei looked up on Paris who was really not in the mood for events.
"What's wrong?" Mei asked raising a brow.
"It's Curt again..." Paris said, Mei's brows furrowed as she gave a little nod.
"Curt knows where Yumi and Lily are..." Paris said looking at Curt's back. Curt felt anxious for unkown reasons as he listened to Ian's speech.
"Excuse me sir..." a butler said beside the stage.
"Excuse me for a moment please." Ian said smiling at the crowd before walking down.
"What is it?" Ian asked. Paris eyed Mei to Curt for interogation, Mei nodded as she stood up taking the empty chair beside Curt, Mei sat with a smile as Curt gulped in fear.
"What do you mean their gone..!?" Ian said not outloud, the butler felt like he was going to die now as he was glared by Ian.
"They...vanished sir..." the butler said, Ian took out his gun with a trigger a loud shot was heard, the butler fell backwards, blood flooding its chest and back.
"Take him away." Ian said, all the toys heard the loud gunshot, making everyone suspicious and afraid.
"Sorry for the small mistake, let me continue then." Ian said, every toy was silent on his speech except for Mei.
"Curt...please just tell me where Yumi and Lily are...and I wont kill or hurt you...not even Paris will..." Mei said giving of a fake sincere tone, Curt felt touched as he sighed looking at Mei.
"They found a way out of the room and they are now inside the Rabbit's hole." Curt said.
"Wait theres a rabbit's hole in Paris's room??" Mei said dumbfounded, Curt felt surprised before speaking.
"Yes...they are now headed to the exit which is somewhere a bit far from the mansion, more like a few walks away from the mansion..." Curt said.
"So thats how he disappears randomly whenever he wants to..." Mei said placing a hand on her a chin, Mei's head tilted backwards as a bullet quickly passed by her swiftly, Mei ofcourse caught the bullet in one hand without sweat, the bullet was rather medium sized, around the size of her ring finger.
"Meician...why don't you come up here i've always wanted to talk to you in the stage outloud." Ian said, the microphone let out a few second eerie screech as Mei took out a clothe from her hat and magically appeared beside Ian.
"Well then Mei, the stage is yours for fifteen minutes." Ian said handing Mei the microphne, Mei mischeviously smirked.


The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now