Part 2 (I need an escape)

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??? Pov
This place I am in... is dangerous... I need to find a way out of this hell... I thought to myself as I stood up my legs were shaking his presence felt near but I had to run... I ran and ran until I found the exit of the park but something was wrong...
"If Paris is here then who was it that sounds like Paris in the circus?" I asked myself while walking, the place seemed quite eenjoyable the scenery waa nice and pretty to look at... While walking I notice something walk into a corner of the street, it looked like it was a ballerina? Wait no, no it had short hair for sure, maybe a dancer? I kept questioning myself as I walked towards the corner to see... nothing...
"Huh..?" I walked away trying to forget what I somehow saw, I put my hand into my pocket to find a picture of... Paris...
"I wish you never were created..." I said trying to crumble the paper but it was hard, it felt like trying to burn metal using sunlight only, I sigh knowing that my creator gave this to me, I can't throw it away it was the only thing that the creator had left me after saving me from his burning workshop... I felt tears trying to escape but I held it in while walking faster than before.
I fall down after bumping into someone, small?? I heard whimpers and it was the little girl again, Paris was near! The girl was somehow gonna tear up if I dont do anything.
"N-no no please dont cry..! I'm sorry I scared you." I tried to sound very sorry as possible amd it seemed to work, the little girl stopped tearing up as she tried to stand up, well atleast i'll be safe or so I thought.
"You..." I flinched someone was behind me the voice made it seem like the person was tall.
"P!" The little girl yelled in joy as she passed by me, I was still on my knees, shaking...
"Don't ever run away like that again Yumi..." I couldnt recognize the voice it was hard to tell with all my thoughts spinning in my head. Suddenly I felt a kick.
"GAHK!!" I yelped in pain, my back was aching, another kick cam again.
"AGHK!!" I yelped again as I was now hitting the ground.
"You are such a pain in the neck when I see you, Curt..." Curt? Is that... is that really my old name..?
"H-how do you- ACK!!" Before I could finish my question I felt a more powerful kick behind me, everything somehow hurts...
"Try and surpass me again and you will regret being created in the first place..." W-wait is he sparing me!? He really is... as I tried to keep my vision still he passed by me it was Paris...
"I need an escape..." I said under my breathe as I tried to stand up on my legs, I look into my camera and it was broken, the lens was damaged. I couldn't care less as I tried to walk away from the scene I was in, everything hurts, the kicks felt like getting hit by a hard metal bat, before I realized I fainted with the last thing I saw was a woman dressed in a blue jacket...


The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now