21- Reunion(7)

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"I would like to thank you for doing this surprising, unexplainable, stupid event with all your creations..." Mei smugly said through the microphone, all the toys felt very offended as they glared at Mei up the stage.
"I hope you never forgot it...Ian..." Mei said with a devilish smile on her face, Ian felt a little fear rise in his body, trying keeping his positive smile, he listened to Mei talk about him infront of the crowd.
'You are such a nuicance Meician...i'll have to get rid of you first...' Ian thought to himself. Curt felt a string of pain inside his chest, Curt groaned clutching his own chest in pain, Hansel and Dansel noticed this, worry hit them hard looking at Curt who was in agony.
"Curt..? Whats wrong?" Dansel quitely asked trying to lower the attention as much as possible.
"It hurts...so much..." Curt said groaning in pain, clutching his own chest. Mei kept on talking and talking about Ian, while Ian kept track of time. Ale sighed a little disappointed at Mei's actions, Paul sat holding his own laughter. The rabbit crawled, leading Yumi and Lily the way out, but the rabbit suddenly stopped and started digging upwards.
'Is this the way out now? This hole is a bit big for something this sized and we were like thrid floor.' Lily thought to herself, Yumi hopped up with Lily giving her a boost, the rabbit jumped up and down inside the room gleefully.
'This is not the way out...' Lily thought to herself looking around the room, Yumi followed the bluish aura with Lily and the rabbit behind her, there stood a somewhat large mirror.
"Whats a big mirror like this doing inside this vacant room?" Lily said walking towards it in curiosity, Lily raised a hand trying to touch it.
"Don't touch it!" A yell was heard inside the room, Yumi and Lily sprung up to it looking around the room.
"Please don't go yet! I need your help!" The voice spoke, the two girls turned to see a man in a black suit and british looking hair that seemed gelled, the man had a worrysome look.
"Y-you're inside the mirror..?!" Lily said in fear, Yumi went behind Lily in fear from the man with bluish aura.
"Please...James might destroy everyone before I get there..!" The man said, the rabbit tapped on the wooden floor. Paris sat in pain clutching his own chest.
"What is this..?" Paris groaned to himself, Mei continued to talk until he noticed Paris's expression and gripping.
'Is he in pain?' Mei thought to herself not loosing her cool infront of the stage while talking, Ale worried more on Paris.
"Paris..? What's wrong..?" Ale asked.
"My chest feels weird..." Paris mumbled loud enough for only Ale to hear, Ale soon grabbed something out of his pocket, avoiding attention to himself. Curt gasped and huffed as the pain went away.
'What was that..?' Curt thought.


The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now