38- Beach

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"You broke the sand castle!" Iris yelled.

"No, I didn't! And besides it was just sand placed inside buckets anyway!" Paul yelled back.

Yumi chuckled as she laid under the shade while wearing sunglasses.

"Where's our daughter's swim suit, hun?" Atsuko joked.

Nora giggled before lightly pinching Atsuko by the cheek.

"Mom, i'm not wearing anything skinny. Didn't the doctor said it to both of you the first time??" Yumi said.

"Yeah. That you're sorta not supposed to be in the sun for too long." Atsuko summarized.

Yumi rolled her eyes as she watched the others making fun of each other near the shore.

"Hey Yumi Paris wants to say something." Mei chuckled after she shoved Paris beside Yumi.

"Oh, what is it?" Yumi asked.

Paris made a fake cough as he tried to get the words out of his mouth.

"It'll take some time for him to say." Ale said as he took Mei by the hand.

Yumi sat up from the chair she laid on.

"I wanted to say..." Paris started but slowly got himself cut off.

"It's alright. Take your time." Yumi smiled.

Paris smiled back in a little relief as he sat down on the sand beside Yumi.

"It's been so long since the day I tried to look for you." Paris said.

"Sorry, I was a weak kid back then I guess." Yumi apologized.

Paris chuckled before saying, "you were never a weak kid."

"What? No way, I was definitely a weak kid!" Yumi argued.

"No, you were a tough one. Learning how to curse in such a young age, getting kidnapped from time to time without knowing, and coming back now still in one piece and still beautifuly cute." Paris said. Not even realizing he was doing a small monolouge.

"Oh, my apologies." Paris apologized but was surprised a peck on his red painted cheeks.

"Y-Yumi..." Paris muttered, while slightly blushing.

Yumi chuckled as she laid her head over her knees.

"Even though I got taken away for around a few years or so. I'm glad i'm back home now." Yumi said.

Paris slowly and surely smiled back again as he glanced towards the sea shore then unto Yumi.

"Remember that time we went to the beach?" Yumi asked.

"Right, I got dragged into the mess of wearing shorts." Paris chuckled.

"Because you were afraid i'd drown?" Yumi smirked.

Paris scratched the back of his neck before mumbling a, "sort of actually."

"I'm touched." Yumi cooed.

Paris snickered back.

"You had alot of kidnapping back then when you were very young. You just love getting kidnapped from time to time when you want to." Paris joked.

Yumi gave a slight pout as she slightly pushed Paris by the shoulder.

"No kissing." Both turned to see Nora frowning in a little displeasing look.

"Yes, mom. No kissing." Yumi rolled her eyes while smirking.

"Too late, I already broke the rule from stealing a peck unto my cheek. Hang on, let me return that." Paris smirked before leaning in, and giving a quick peck on Yumi's lips.

The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now