16- Reunion(2)

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Paris sat down in worry as he fiddled with the trigger on his gun, Iris was trying to call Lily's phone, but it just kept on being declined, Atsuko was out with Nora calming her down.
"That's it...I can't wait anymore..!" Paris impatiently said, furiously standing from the couch making his way inside the bedroom, Iris sighed while Paris wore a new pair of long sleeved shirt.
"Call again..." Paris said while agressively folding up his sleeves, finally the phone was now picked up, but it wasn't Lily who was answering it.
"Paris...it's...for you..." Iris said with worry covering her whole expression, Paris took the phone and listened carefully, Paris's eyes widened in shock still listening carefully, Iris only watched in silence and confusion.
"I will kill you if Yumi and Lily gets hurt..." Paris said, his eyes slowly consumed by darkness leaving red threatening pupils, with his other free hand clutching itself hard, the call ended, but with frustration Paris threw it hard on the ground.
"My phone!" Iris yelled, Paris walked back inside the bedroom agressively.
"I'll buy you a new one stop your fucking whines already!!" Paris yelled wearing his white tuxedo on, paring it first with a black long sleeved shirt and a red bow tie.
"Where are you going?" Iris asked in concern.
"I have to attend a fucking reunion of another creator to save Yumi and Lily." Paris said grabbing Iris by the hand, the two walked out the apartment and was greeted by a car.
"I am very sorry little master, you cannot take other guest's with you except master only." The guard said opening the door for Paris.
"I'm not taking her with me, i'm here to say goodbye." Paris said making Iris shocked.
"W-what?" Iris said.
"I'll be gone for 15 years...but Yumi and Lily will be in my care for 15 years before I am able to get them back here again safely..." Paris said, Iris felt tears fall down her face.
"I am not waiting 15 years for my sister to come back!!!" Iris yelled in anger.
"If it can't be helped i'll do it my way." Paris said entering the car.
"I'll be back after a week then." Paris said nodding in agreement as he wore his one red striped black hat on. Hansel sat silently while calming Pice down from his panick attack, Paris sat far from Curt who looked down with an emotionless face.
"Why are you here Paris? Your not even one of his creation." Hansel said.
"He invited me as his own guest whoever you are." Paris said crossing his arms.
"For your needs my name is Hansel." Hansel said glaring at Paris who had a straight face towards her, Pice sniffed while blowing into his hankerchief.
"I can't believe he got this police idiot a suit that is police themed." Paris said.
"You could've declined this Paris." Hansel said.
"I can't..." Paris said.


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