8- cigar+alcohol=chaos

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Clown's Pov;
Walking up to the door I knock and to be answered by car wheels squeeking into a halt, I turn around to see it was Mei with... it seems she has found one of her creators toys, what a lovely looking dancer, I swear i'd love to choke her if she was human.
"Hello Meician..." I said and she replied with a glare of dissaproval on my greeting, I didn't stop ofcourse.
"Oh well, merry late christmas though..." I said, us toys don't even celebrate that human thing, Mei knocked on the door with the dancer behind her, ofcourse I'm here for what Soldier said to have kidnapped a little girl, perhaps he's in the basement.
"Clown...don't make any shitty move or i'll destroy you to ashes..." Mei said, the threat was way too real, and she will do it without trying, I follow behind the dancer and made my way to the door that lead to the basement, before I could open it I stumble upon... Aleineer was it? Probably, their names are out of my concerns.
"What is up with you telling Soldier to kidnap children..? It's already late chrsitmas as well..!" Aleineer said before leaving me, I was suppose to answer but that vicous to good for almost everything Mei can destroy me, I open the basement door to find Soldier standing beside a white haired little girl, ahh! It's the same girl that got me to wreck Soldier into bits by my gun.
"Why is this girl here..?" I said, I realized something from this moment.
"What do you mean..?" Soldier said, this pathetic good for nothing lacky is now dumb! Just great!

No one's Pov;
Paris took of his white suit and wore his casual black suit, he then took the apartment keys and walked out of his apartment and locked the door before leaving.
"I'm gonna end this toy..." Paris mumbled to himself as he went to the window at the very end of the hallway, he leapt and landed down like a cat, Paris started to walk his way to the coordinates he got from the paper. Curt was walking with the woman who saved him after almost dying from Paris, Curt looked left and right, curiosity was at his finest, the woman laughed when Curt almost dropped the wrapped gifts.
"Oh wait a second! It's been so long since i've asked your name yet also my names Curt." Curt said, the woman was shocked that she haven't asked and told her name yet.
"My name is Red, boyish name but there you have it." Red said.
"Yeah, that is a boyish name. What are these paper wrapped boxes for?" Curt asked.
"Oh, well it's late for christmas but might aswell try and reach out to my family members here right? I mean there are only 15 of us!" Red said, Curt smiled having a small fragmented memory get him, Curt nodded on helping Red as they both scrolled their way on the streets. Mei introduced Dansel to Ale who was happily greeting her with joy, Pal then came down stairs to see Dansel, Mei and Ale talk, Paul's eyes caught Dansel's look and blushed pink.
"Well hello beautiful i'm Palius~" Paul said kissing Dansel's hand, Dansel was flattered at Paul.
"That's not his real name, it's Paul." Mei said before taking out a bottle of liquer from the cabinet, pouring herself a glass, Dansel started to dance, imagining music, Paul was rather having a face of 'my future wife.', Ale went into his bedroom carrying the suit case, Paul and Dansel danced in the living room while Mei drank her liquer, Mei finished off the glass and poured herself another, and no she was still sober, very sober.
"Soldier...Paris..? Is he coming here..?" Clown said.
"Yes." Soldier said.
"You idiotic fool...this place will flip upside down..." Clown said, Soldier gulped in confusion, Yumi was unconcious laying on the cold cement floor. Paris was on the streets walking trying to keep calm, he then stumbled by a man selling ciggaretes and tabacos.
"It's been a long time since i've smoked...I must've been forgetting since the day little pie showed up..." Paris said to himself as he bought five packs of cig and a lighter to top it off, he gave a stolen wallet filled with cash to the seller before walking off.
"I don't care, take the whole damn thing..." Paris said taking a cig lighting it, he sighed, smoke going into the air. Mei took a second bottle of liquer, she was now around 1% drunk.
"Woah, isn't that your second bottle?" Dansel said, Mei shrugged.
"Don't worry Dansel~ Mei here doesn't get drunk not until she gets into the fifteenth bottle." Paul said, Dansel was amazed and continued to dance happily with Paul who was having fun.
"Soldier! Paris...SMOKES
...Meician...DRINKS...Equals...to me getting destroyed by them and they will come after you next when i'm finished..." Clown said and Soldier was now filled with guilt kidnapping Yumi back again, sooner Yumi woke up with teary eyes, Soldier and Clown noticed this as Yumi slowly sat up rubbing her eyes.
"You fix this, i'm out." Clown then ran up stairs and ran out of Mei's house, Yumi looked around and saw that it was dark she was about to cry when she saw Soldier, too late for Soldier Yumi cried out. Paris somehow had a bad feeling and soon enough he started to run, with a lit ciggar on his own mouth. Clown saw Paris running and quickly turned into toy size and sat beside a door acting as a decoration, Paris passed by the clown unnoticed. Ale heard faint child crying downstairs and got curios, he packs up all his blueprints back into the suit case, placing it under the bed he shares with Mei, Dansel looked at the crying white haired little girl, trying to calm it down, Paul was tackling Soldier to the ground, Mei glared at Soldier who stayed down out of fear, Yumi was crying outloud.
"Stop crying it's alright..." Mei said, Yumi sobbed, her vision was blurry with all the tears.
"P..?" Yumi said, Mei got curios.
'Hmm? Whose 'P.'??' Mei thought, but atleast Yumi wasn't crying outloud now. Paris then busted open the door making Ale shock, Ale shoves himself into the wall with Paris running to Yumi.
"Yumi..!" Paris said, Yumi reached out both her arms out to Paris who took her, Soldier was now sweating, he could barely see Paris smoking while carrying Yumi and Mei holding a glass of liquer glaring at him, Soldier was so dead. Paris snarled getting Mei's attention who sipped into her glass.
"Did you tell this pathetic toy to kidnap Yumi..?" Paris said.
"No, the clown did. You wanna see him..? I've always wondered why you haven't destroyed him..." Mei said.
"Obviously, but I want to see this loathing toy destroyed first..." Paris said, Ale was behind them and wacked both their heads.
"No...no ones destroying anything...just look at him..! He was just ordered by the Clown, y'now how the clown can destroy things to y'now..!" Ale said helping Soldier up, somehow Soldier felt thankful.
"T-thank you...." Soldier said, Yumi hugged Paris who was worried for her, Mei finished her glass and placed it down.
"So Paris, is this little pie~?" Mei said smirking at Paris, Paris was holding Yumi like his own child.
"Yes. And i'm guessing you and your lover are married now..?" Paris said, smirking back.
"Alright you two, the child is sleeping let her rest." Ale said.
"Why don't you stay for a while..?" Mei said.
"It's really been a long time since we've hanged out Paris..." Mei said.
"We can babysit Yumi while you two cause chaos without responsibilities for the damage." Paul said, Ale, Soldier and Dansel agreed.
"C'mon now Paris, christmas is already over..?" Mei said, and so Paris gave in, Paris and Mei went out and for just a short amount of time people began to yell fire and thieves.
"It seems they really are partners in chaos sometimes." Soldier said as they kept an eye keeping Yumi companied.

Lily's Pov;
Walking my way to my work, an explosion and fire broke out not to far from my shop not too close either. A shop was burning, a liquer shop to, I look around it and my eyes caught to figures sitting on a building on the opposite side of the road, a figure wearing a rather familiar hat and was smoking, a man with long hair tied behind him with a tophat was holding a bottle of what seemed to be liquer. Nobody else seemed to notice them since they were busy trying to take out the fire. Me? I ignored it, I don't want to be involved. But who were those two?


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