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Yumi layed on the couch, waiting patiently with the cat still laying flat on the ground using his own charms. Yumi enjoyed watching the cat. And the cat enjoyed his bigger companion watching him. Suddenly the cat struck up from the floor, sitting up with ears back.

"Paris?" Yumi asked looking at the troubled cat twisting it's own head in fear. Soon the cat decided to get alerted and sprung up, running towards Yumi, hopping beside her while agressively hissing. Yumi didn't know what was happening and started to get a bit startled by the cat's hissing. Soon the cat only growled while looking around Yumi as if it was guarding her from something very dangerous.

"Yumi," the cat said.

"I want you to hide inside the nearest closet now." The cat said. Yumi gave a confused look before she hopped down the couch and ran to the nearest closet.

"Come out and show yourself. You think just because you can hide your aura doesn't mean you can hide from me!" The cat said while agressively hissing and growling. The cat turned it's head left and right, with his guard up high while standing on the couch. Yumi wasn't able to look what was happening and continued to just listen in caution. Yumi felt very wary of her surroundings now.

Mei twisted and turned the car in panic as she kept an eye on the road infront of her and behind her. Paris was practically holding on the puppy while he held on the chair, the seatbelt wasn't doing that much help to keep him in his seat and Mei didn't care to sit down and was basically standing and putting the pedal to the hard metal. The van that was following them wasn't giving up easily on them running away and the two dummys didn't care if they really were running away from the mansion. It was a complete car chase with police cars behind the van chasing them.

"Paris," Mei said before quickly drifting the car side ways.

"I just wanted to ask if you want me to make you fly!" Mei said. Paris gave a confused look, instinctively grabbing the puppy that accidently flew mid-air from his grasp before answering Mei's question.

"Why would I want that!?" Paris yelled. Mei grunted before taking out her wand. Paris didn't care anymore for Mei's drastic actions and went on with it.

"Whatever you're thinking, just do it if it gets us the hell outta here!!" Paris yelled.

"Ok, hold on my sleeve 'cause i'll replace us both with a replica and will be both transported up on that building right there. Ofcourse i'll be leaving my car ran by fakes!" Mei explained. Paris nodded, holding unto the puppy and Mei's sleeve tight.

"This better work or i'll punch you!" Paris threatened. Mei smirked before she waved her wand while holding unto the steering wheel loose.

"Little wand! I want you to replace us right now!" Mei said and a sudden flash of thick fog covered the car seats, replacing replicas of the two including the puppy Paris was holding unto. The two landed unto the very top floor of the building, sighing in relief as they dusted themselves up.

"What now 'mr. Toy with a new master thing'?" Mei sarcastically asked. Paris huffed, petting the puppy to calm down from the sudden stress that happened.

"I need to get to Yumi, I think she's already in danger with all this ruckus suddenly happening." Paris said, continuing to pet the stressed puppy in his arms. Mei smirked, before she folded her sleeves just like Paris's with the wand in hand ready to be used.

"Your adopted child sure loves to get in danger alot don't they?" Mei joked. Paris huffed before smacking Mei by the head.

"Just hurry up and take me there already asshole." Paris quickly demanded. Mei rolled her eyes before transporting them to Yumi's location. But getting there was shocking, everything was almost destroyed, the furnitures were in different locations, the walls had scratches here and there, and the glass windows were destroyed.

"Oh god, is she even still alive in this place?" Mei said under her frown. Paris didn't like the looks of the place at all, not one bit. Paris didn't care to listen to Mei and went inside deeper to look around. Mei followed behind Paris who placed the puppy down that behaved in one spot.

"Yumi?" Paris called out. No response.

"Yumi where are you?" Paris called out again. But there wasn't a single sound to be heard.

"Paris, are you sure Yumi's still alive from something that did this? I saw a spec of human blood on the couch and i'm sure it was Yumi's." Mei said. The words didn't please Paris at all as he punched the nearest wall. Mei sighed before walking back unto the couch to examine the blood and the small scratch marks near it.

"A cat's claw, huh?" Mei went into a conclusion as she looked very close to the blood. But that was also when she noticed a shadow up above her.

"Paris get outta my back, I can't see the blood clearly." Mei demanded. But the shadow didn't go away as Paris responded inside the kitchen walls.

"The hell are you talking to?" Paris said. The small echo of Paris's voice was enough to get Mei suspicious as she flipped herself around with a fist ready to land on the stranger behind her. But no one was there. Mei gave a confused glance around herself before she was hit on the neck by someone. Paris snapped up from the sudden thud and went to check on Mei armed with his gun.

"Sorry, I tripped." Mei said as she stood back up with a weak smile. Paris looked in confusion from the sudden apologize before he went back in the kitchen. Mei smirked as she sat on the destroyed couch calmly. Paris could hear Mei's humming from the walls and the only thought he had was.

'This is unlike her.'


The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now