22- Reunion (8)

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(I just finished the small dare or something like that and I am now allowed to do 500 above words, they are still reading this book though...)

Lily picked up a lamp that was beside a bed, with a swing, she hit the mirror badly cracking it, a hand reached out of the mirror. Lily, Yumi, and the rabbit took the hand grabbing it out of the mirror.
"Thank you...so much..." Ian said standing and dusting himself. "We need to get to James fast." Ian said grabbing the doorknob, it clicked and clacked, it was lock.
"Dang, wait how did you even get in here?" Ian asked extremely confused, the rabbit hopped and hopped waving its arms, getting Ian's attention.
"Oh, your the small henchman Paris hated to see. Thank you for helping me." Ian said respectfully bowing on the rabbit, Lily carried Yumi up, they still had the chains in them attached.
"Let me help you with that." Ian said reaching his hands to the chains, he pressed a certain place on the chains which then unattached itself off, Ian then grabbed something under a wood the rabbit kept on tapping at, Ian took out a small wooden box that had tiny leaf like design around it. Paris huffed as the pain went away after Ale gave him painkillers, but did it really help? Mei soon stopped making a mockery of Ian after just a few minutes that she was given, Paul sighed placing a hand on his chin in boredom, Ian took the microphone before continuing his speech out loud. Such a nuisance it was.
"And now...please welcome our three special guests..." Ian said bowing down as the long red thick curtains behind him went sideways. There stood three people tied, with one toy in each holding them down.
"What the hell!!? Let them go!!!" Pice yelled grabbing a gun from his belt, Ian laughed and laughed before speaking through the microphone.
"Hey Pice why don't you show your twin brother how its done." Ian said, the toy that held the first tied person went up to the light revealing itself as.
"I'm the real Pice here now..." the toy with red colored police themed suit said, pointing his gun to Pice who tried to hold his confidence.
"Meician...why don't you tell them how they should adress me..." Ian said, the toy that held the third person went into the light, with a smile plastered on her face, wearing a white colored magician's suit.
"Hello new friends~! You better adress sir. Ian as master now~ alright~?" Mei said pointing a finger on her chin, her devilish smile destroying the calm atmosphere. Ian groaned waking up tied behind.
"JAMES!!! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!!" Ian yelled making everyone shocked, James couldn't hide the fact anymore, he took his mask down tossing it sideways, he was only a reflection of a nightmare Ian had forgotten.
"Hello father, aren't you proud of me?" James said throught the microphone smugly, Lily awoke tied behind, struggling she turned to look begind her to only see an expressionless, motionless face. It was Curt in a white suit.
"P!" Yumi yelled looking up at a frightened Paris who wore the same suit and hat but with opposite colors, instead he had a white hat and suit paired with a blue bow tie. It went backwards in fear, sweating as Yumi tilted her head in confusion.
"S-stay back....please...." the toy said curling itself a bit, Yumi looked at the toy that had no aura, it was a bit pityful for Yumi to see a toy afraid of a toddler. The toy curled up, fear plastered in his face, holding its own hat down while shaking. Yumi went closer slowly, trying not to frighten the toy who was already curled up afraid.
"Pwis...Pa...wis...." Yumi said patting the toy on the head, the toy looked up shaking.
"Par...Par....ris...." Yumi stuttered slowly, the toy soon slowly started to calm down, but instead gave a look of confusion and curiosity. Yumi kept on patting the toys head repeating its name slowly.
"Par-ris...Par...Paris..." Yumi said earning a light chuckle.
"Y-yes what is it..?" Paris said, calming down.
"Hahahhah!!! Guess what I got!? When you work hard! You get what you want!! Look at all of you! So weak, so stupid! Innocent dumbfounded creations!!" James yelle through the microphone, evryone inside the place was offended and angry. Pice coughed up oil slowly while being bandaged up by Ale.
"Now look at me, i'm smart! Look what it has gotten me!! At the top of Ian's best creations!!! And the first thing to get me to the very top without anybody trying to conquer it, is to get rid of all the filth!! Yeah thats right! All of you are the filth!!! Especially the four toys that I have cloned to get their opposites that are dangerous just like them...." James said. Yumi looked at Paris while giggling making Paris laugh lightly. The small giggles and laughes lasted only for a few seconds before Paris chocked holding his own head down the hat fell off. Paris held his head down somehow feeling a weird feeling in his chest, Yumi watched as blue flame like aura started surrounding Paris without mercy. Paris coughed and wheezed, the toddler didn't know what to do, instead she stood afraid to get closer to the toy who was suffering.
"Nyihihihihh!!" The toy giggled, a big toothy smile towering his expression, the toy now acted like a mischivious dog ready to pounce at any moment.
"Paris!" Yumi said with a smile on her face, Paris smiled back. Ian untied himself unnoticed looking sideways before he went to tackle James down, James was caught up in surprise with his three servants suddenly acting up they were ready to kill Ian.
"Don't shoot! I need Ian alive idiots!!" James yelled making the three cease fire. Lily had finished untying herself before she pressed a small button hidden inside her jacket, Iris sat on the couch with Nora and Atsuko before Iris's phone started ringing. Iris took her phone out it was Lily calling her, Nora got a bit excited after looking at Iris's phone. Iris answered the call but there was no response but yelling and thumping, it wasn't that Iris was on the phone with Lily but she was on the line of Lily's emergency phone call, Iris stopped the call. Iris went on her contacts, calling her so called slaves.
"EY!!! MEICIAN!!! WAZZUP!!!" Paris's opposite yelled while carrying Yumi in one arm ontop of what seemed to be the second floor, Mei's opposite was filled with glee waving back. Now everyone in the room was extremely confused on which is which, but the thing that let them have a hint on which is which is the color on their clothes was opposite, the toy leapt off the second floor tossing Yumi off, instantly Paris dashed catching Yumi.
"You want to play!!? Lets play PARIS!! You are to serve me, not these wastes of space!" James yelled, Ian was helled down by Curt's opposite.
"Oh boy! Oh boy! Lets play gun fight!! No no wait! Lets play toys verus you alone!" Paris's opposite yelled. Iris lead Nora, Atsuko and the pack to the mansion. Strange and insane that Iris had brang two kids with her, Iris had a gun on her right pocket ready to be fired.


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