33- if it sees the imitation

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"You now, that imitating creation thing is a nice touch on keeping Paris distracted on what he really cares about." Marie chuckled while gently patting Yumi on the head.

"Don't worry we'll raise her like you're our child." Jack said, before glancing at the little girl in red who sat unconcious behind the back seat of the car.


"Paris." Yumi said as she gently tugged on Paris's white sleeve.

Paris looked down at Yumi with a smile before kneeling down on one knee, patting Yumi's head he gave another small laugh before asking.

"What is it Yumi?" Yumi giggled before pointing at the toy clown that sat still on the other side of the clear window that separated them both from inside the small antique shop.

"Hmm, that some how looks exactly like him." Paris complied as he held Yumi's hand before opening the small old door, walking in. Both we're greeted by an old man with a hat that successfully covered his eyes before a sudden dark force of wind frightened Yumi and the devil came out with a big grin as it went and pounced at Yumi without hesitation.


Gasping, I sighed in relief as I fell back on the soft bed that made way of comfort bit by bit as I let myself sink into it without hesitation.

It's five in the morning, my parents must've gone to what they call 'a secret job' that I can't even know about what so ever.

Yawning, I sat up while rubbing my eyes wide awake before deciding to eat breakfast. It's either they left me breakfast or I have to make my own again.

Oh man.

I comb my messy white hair. Before going into the bathroom to wash my face.

Damn this is more tiring than ever now that i'm on my teenage years. Somewhere around seventeen I guess. And summer is a little boring now.

Weird dreams keep popping up in my head recently, I think these dreams started popping up around my thirteenth birthday, like I knew someone very close to me. And everytime I try and remember this person's name, it becomes more and more blurry to be told.

Yep, for a kid like me that have a third eye. It's just weird even though i've seen some random ghosts suddenly knowing who I am in my school I always attend.

Walking down the stairs, I make my way to the kitchen and to the fridge to be met with a small note attached using a small fruit designed magnet.

"See you in you're home town Meyn, me and you're father have a surprise for you there. Here's the place. See you soon love mom." I said out loud in monotone before letting out a distressed sigh.

Again with
'go to this place alone Meyn.' 'You'll have to learn how to travel on you're own Meyn.'.

I open the fridge taking a few packs of biscuits and a few water jugs that's enough to sustain my thirst and hunger on my small road trip.

Walking back up to my room I grab my useful so called roadtrip backpack and place all the stuff I need. I grab my wallet before grabbing my grey jacket, I make my way to wear my white shoes and walk out of the house.

The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now