10- Twin?

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"Hmm...alright...my name is Meician but just call me Mei...and i'm Paris's old friend, where is he though..?" Mei said making everyone shocked.

The four exchanged serious looks before looking back at Mei who was playing with an empty glass, Mei gave a sharp toothy grin looking at them in amusement before speaking.
"Well pardon how I act~ I have this humane thing called...'personality disorder'..?" Mei said, Lily gave a confused look at Mei.
"What? 'Humane thing'??" Lily said, the other three looked at Lily in surprise before to Mei.
"Oh my~ Paris you cheeky liar~" Mei said.
"Hey! Paris never lies!" Iris said, Mei laughed pouring a glass of liquer.
"Oh really? Well it seems he might've not told you yet~" Mei said, everyone became suspicious and curios as they listened closely to Mei still far away from her, it might be dangerous to get close to Mei who had liquer especially.
"Paris is not human~ like me~" Mei said, Atsuko snirked before grinning, Mei gave a sharp toothy grin, Atsuko smiled.
"How can Paris be 'not human'?" Atsuko said, Mei raised an eyebrow listening closely drinking from her glass.
"Paris thinks Yumi's cute and would take the time to call her 'little pie'..?" Atsuko said smiling, Mei laughed making herself spit the liquer she was drinking, the Lalah twins raised an eyebrow at Atsuko unamused, Nora was shocked and pissed at Atsuko.
"You would let Paris call Yumi names!??" Nora said, Atsuko shrugged.
"What? Little pie sounds kinda neat." Atsuko said.
"Jerk! It's another term for cutie pie!" Nora said, Atsuko placed a hand on her chin before she was able to understand Nora, the Lalah twin's were unamused, Mei stopped laughing, Mei took her hat dropping in the bottle of empty liquer and the empty glass, Nora grabbed Atsuko by the colar sneering and glaring, Atsuko smiled in guilt.
"Ok ok. I was an idiot for moments." Atsuko said in guilt but still smiled, Nora huffed letting go of Atsuko she turned around arms crossed, Mei was pleased by the small conversation.
"I should go... Yumi's babysitter's might be having a hard time maybe..." Mei said but before she could leave the twins blocked the door.
"Hold on. You know where Yumi is do you?" Iris said.
"Why rush? Take us with you." Lily said.
"Yumi better not have a single scratch on her!!" Nora said grabbing Atsuko by the hand dragging her to Mei, Mei wore her hat crossing her arms, Mei gave a grin before speaking.
"Alrighty~ maybe Paris is with Yumi aswell~" Mei said, Mei pulled out a long brown clothe out of her left sleeve, Mei knew they wouldn't be amazed and all, Mei then went into a big free space inside the shop, throwing the brown clothe it became a brown door.
"Ladies first~" Mei said bowing down beside the brown door, the four became untrustworthy to Mei seeing her bow and sneer.
"Ok... let me lock and put an excuse sign up on the door..." Iris said, after getting the bakery closed, Lily went first opening the door slowly, she could hear yelling, Mei's eyes widened in confusion.
"Paris c'mon let me hold Yumi!" A male voice said.
"What the fu-- let go! NO!!!" Paris said.
"Hey hey! Stop! If Paris doesn't want you to hold Yumi then don't!" A female voice said.
"NO!! It's just a child! Stop!" Another male voice said.
"Yumi come to daddy~!!!!" The same male voice said.
"Hey i'm husband material, your trash material seawage clown! Screw off!!" Paris said.
"Oy!!! What's with the commosion!??" Mei said slamming the door open, there stood Paris carrying Yumi who was struggling to shove the Clown, the Clown was trying to carry Yumi, Dansel shoved herself to the wall when Mei slammed open the door, Soldier was trying to pull the clown away.
"Mei get this faker out of your house! His more creepier than you and Paris!" Dansel said pointing at the fake Paris.
"What are you wearing you weird clown!? Are those Paris's clothes!??" Mei said, the Clown pointed at Soldier, Nora, Atsuko and the Lalah twin's watched in confusion to see two Paris's.
"Solier explanation!" Mei said, Soldier yelped before pointing at Paul who then came down stares, Mei glared at Paul who then realized the situation and pointed at Dansel, Mei glared in confusion at Dansel, Dansel then pointed at Ale who came down stairs next to Paul in confusion and worry.
"Alright that's it!" Paris said, taking out his own gun who smiled, Paris points the gun at the clown with no hesitation, Ale screeched running at Paris's hand shoving it down to the floor before Paris was able to pull the trigger.
"No one will be using weapon's under my watch!!!" Ale yelled.
"Ok! Why don't you all discuss in the living room, while the four of us wait near the door holding Yumi?" Atsuko said, all the toys in the scene calmed themselves with Yumi who just stared at each and everyone, sooner the Clown was now tied up mouth duct taped shut, the Clown rolled his eyes looking back on Paris who was sneering at him.
"Alright. So who told the clown to act like Paris's twin?" Mei said pointing at the tied up Clown, everyone went silent before Dansel spoke.
"It was me, i'm sure. I want to apologize." Dansel said.
"No it wasn't you Dansel, you have an innocent vibe." Ale said.
"...Paul..?" Mei said looking at Paul who was sweating.
"D-Don't glare at me! Glare at
S-Soldier!!" Paul insisted pointing at Soldier.
"Yes, it was me. I did it. I'm sorry." Soldier said.
"No it wasn't you Soldier. You were keeping an eye on Yumi when the Clown suddenly busted the door open with Paris's clothes on." Dansel said.
"I did it I swear." Dansel said.
"No Dansel you didn't do it, stop blaming yourself!" Paul said.
"Dansel you were talking with me that time y'now?" Solier said, Dansel sighed while nodding.
"Ale?" Paul said.
"I didn't because I was buisy on blueprints..." Ale said.
"Hmm...suspicious..." Paul said.
"Wha- really? Are you serious? You even came upstairs and watched me work!" Ale said.
"How did you know I was watching you work when your back was turned?" Paul said.
"Ugh! 'Cause me and Mei have like fifty/fifty third eye?" Ale said feeling annoyed now.
"No ones leaving until they confess..." Mei said.
"Paris, hes been quite the whole time." Paul said pointing at Paris.
"You dumb ballerina...Paris is innocent..." Mei said.
"Are you sure?" Soldier said, all of their eyes turned to Paris who was in deep thought then started laughing with his hand in his mouth.
"Ok ok...i'll tell you now, you all were just so into it. I didn't wanna ruin the mood." Paris said as he then told everything, the other four  with Yumi listened a bit far from the others.

~~~~~~~~~FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~

"Hahahahh!!!" The Clown hysterically laughed, Paris was walking to him annoyed.
"My clothes damnit..." Paris said annoyed, the Clown stopped in a dead end facing Paris, Paris gave a shocked and confused look to see the Clown was now wearing his clothes.
"Tada~" the Clown said.
"Are you serious?" Paris said dumbfounded.
"You know~" the Clown said.
"I can trick Yumi to thinking i'm you~" the Clown said, Paris was now infuriated at the Clown who then jumped up the other side, Paris dashed destroying the wood like wall in anger, the Clown ran, Paris ran after him.
"You faker i'll blast your own jaw if you dare lay a finger on Yumi!!!" Paris yelled, the Clown only laughed hysterically in response, Paris got more infuriated at the Clown, not until the Clown made a turn on the street, Paris continued to run after the Clown, trying not to temp himself to use the gun to keep other peoples safety in their hands.
"Stop!!!" Paris yelled as the Clown slammed the door open hysterically.
"Yumi~! Daddy's here~!!!" The Clown said, Dansel felt shocked at the fake Paris's actions, Yumi turned to look behind Soldier, Soldier felt confused, Yumi's Pov was being tricked, Yumi smiled gleefully trying to reach the fake Paris.
"PAWIS!!!" Yumi yelled.
"Come to daddy Yumi~!" The Clown said with open arms, Yumi's Pov was still being tricked not until Paris shoved the Clown's head into the wall then quickly carried Yumi, Paris hissed, the Clown sneered.
"Yumi~ Daddy's over here~!!!" The Clown said, Paris then started to shove the Clown.
"S-soldier who is that!??" Dansel said pointing at the fake Paris, Soldier snapped to reality then dashed to the fake Paris trying to pull him away.


"And that's what happened..." Paris said, everyone in the room looked at the Clown who wasn't there anymore, but vanished out of thin air, everyone felt dumbfounded that they got distracted and did not notice the Clown escape. The Clown slowly changed back into his original style of clothing carrying Paris's clothes.
"Darn...maybe I should've just went into Paris's window instead of busting his apartment door knob...oh well..." The clown said to himself walking near a door.
"Knock knock? Can you take me to Paris's room?" The clown said as the door slowly opened letting out smoke before revealing Paris's apartment bedroom.


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