29-Something was created

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Paris slammed the door shut after walking around or more likely he was just dragged around by Mei to help. Paris threw himself in the bed groaning to himself, he felt annoyed than before he was babysitting Yumi.

"Unlock the door Paris, I wanna talk." Mei said on the other side of the locked door. Paris looked up, his eyes wandering towards the door and to the desk, to see that the picture was layed up.

"Who the hell..?" Paris mumbled to himself, standing up he made his way towards the picture laying it down flat. Mei knocked on the door softly, pretending to be calm than angry before she spoke.

'Pretty sure Lily said she looked at a picture in this room and layed it back down...' Paris thought to himself.

"Gah! JESUS!!!" Paris yelled cutting Mei's sentence. Mei huffed, punching the door hard before leaving. Paris jumped from the sudden thud realizing it was only Mei.

"I swear to god you are despicable as hell Meician." Paris said, standing up he looked at the cat infront of him who constantly stared at him eye to eye.

Yumi yawned sitting up, Nora greeted Yumi goodmorning before they ate breakfast.

"I've always wondered how you can reach high places so easily Nora." Atsuko said, taking a bite on the food.

"I don't cook, I just called in room service." Nora said while giggling at Atsuko. Atsuko rolled her eyes continuing on her feast.

"What the hell! John no!" Chris yelled, trying to hold John down who was  trying to throw a tantrum at Mei.

"Let me at 'em! That fucker right there is a fucking goner!!" John yelled, while he struggled on Chris's grasp. Mei sat watching John struggle, she sighed taking a sip on her whiskey.

"John for christ sakes! Stop it your gonna break yourself like Mike many years ago!" Chris said, while he tried to continuously hold John down.

"Deary little doll, make yourself useful and go haunt Paris inside the mansion." The clown said, fiddling with his gun. The doll shivered, nodding as she went to the mansion unnoticed.

'How am I gonna scare Paris when hes...' the doll thought getting inside Paris's room quitely.

'A monster when into destroying..!?' The doll thought, gulping as she stealthly walked inside the room. Paris layed on the bed, letting his thoughts drown himself. The doll looked at the blanket shuffle as she quickly crawled under the bed. Paris gave a look of suspicioun as he looked at the floor on the side he faced himself to. Paris squinted his eyes, getting himself out of bed while he walked around the room.

"Whoever is in here you better show yourself." Paris said, walking around the bed. The doll trembled under the darkness in the bed, hoping she wont get caught too easily.

"If you wont come out, I will find you myself." Paris said, stopping his tracks beside the bed. Perfectly alined with the doll, the doll shivered more with Paris slowly kneeling to look under. But before Paris could look his ears caught a very faint noise.

'I'm so dead. I'm so dead.' The doll thought as she watched Paris slowly kneel down. Paris halted on his check, standing up he went out of the room. The doll sighed in relief, crawling out of the bed, she looked around the room closely. Paris walked downstairs, suddenly hearing something faint. Very faint. He walked passed Chris, John, and Mei. Making his way to the door. He opened it the sound becoming a bit clearer. Paris walked out of the mansion hands in his pockets, making his way closer to the sound.

"What is that sound..?" Paris said giving a curious look as he got closer.

Yumi sat on the couch. Watching outside the window, it was silent and boring for her. Yumi layed down the couch, nothing to do but stay there.

The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now