27 daydream

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Yumi peacefully snored on the bed, as the sun light caressed her face. Yumi mumbled sitting up from the bed, looking out the open window, as the smell of breakfast flowed over her. Sniffing so, Yumi hopped off from the bed, making her way to the kitchen. She drooled a bit before taking a bite from the four stacked pancake, ofcourse she used a chair to reach the food. Yumi finished the food before making her way to the front door, reaching the door knob, out Yumi went from the apartment and into the streets. It was a beautiful morning and little toddler Yumi was taking a stroll around the place without permission from her babysitter.
Yumi took a turn and was now making her way down at the side of the road, humming so she skipped looking side to side. Well it was as if she was going to be safe even on her own. Yumi stopped, looking at the road she tilted her head a bit looking on the other side of the road. There stood a boy facing back behind her, his aura consuming him head to toe. Yumi looked side to side before crossing the road. The boy stood still in his place as Yumi made his way to him closer.
"Hi..." Yumi greeted, trying to get the bo's attention. To no avail, the boy didn't move. Yumi got confused and a bit awkward, her hand reaching the boy's shoulder. The boy vanished, the aura stayed in place, it was somewhat afraid as it tried to avoid Yumi's hand. Yumi looked at the aura before she tried to reach it with her own hand again. Yumi watched the aura cowar in fear from Yumi's touch but it stayed still in one place. Yumi stopped her curiosity, standing up she walked away and back to the apartment. Looking back on the sidewalk she went before it changed and was now a large mansion. Yumi felt scared looking at the sight, she stepped away in hesitation. The black aura resonating around it, inside and outside. Yumi turned away, it was now an endless dark void. Yumi felt scared, looking left and right it was dark. Just an endless void, she turned behind her the mansion was now gone, all that was left is white aura. Yumi looked at it in cutiosity but with hesitation. Yumi continued to looked at it, walking towards it, the steps didn't seem to alter her vision but her feeling. Yumi got closer and closer, she could her faint voices, getting even closer te voice got clearer.
"Paris i'd like you to meet Yumi."
"Paris are you sure you want to do that?"
"Hey Meilana, do you think I should go to this school? I promise to be back."
"Whose child is this!?? It's...cute..."
"Oh my god, you look so cute."
"Watch out!"
"Idiot, you could've died!!"
"Hey Ian why does your name sound like Ivan?"
"Damnit! You idiot you knew you couldn't protect your own child."
"Hello Yumi, I will be your new dad. Call me grandpa alright?"
"Shoot it Mei!"
"Hahahahh...pathetic toys, your all nothing!"
"No! Please don't hurt me!"
"What did you do!!?"
"Hang on! I can fix you!"
"I love you alright..."
"No!!! Don't do it James!!"
"Woah, why'd the main character go evil?"
"Oh, fast reader huh?"
"AHH! Jesus dang christ! Don't do that!"

The voices didn't stop, it continued and continued looking at the white aura that seemed to be endless. Yumi touched it and the aura went to her arm in a flinch.

"Wake up! It's christmas!" Mei yelled jumping on the bed, Paris flinched falling off.
"Argh, what the hell! I don't celebrate that event!" Paris yelled sitting up.
"Who are you to complain? Toys don't even need sleep." Mei said hopping off the bed and walked out of the room.
"Hurry up francybritboy!" Mei said slamming the door, Paris grumbled falling backwards.
"Why do I even bother sleeping." Paris said before shutting his eyes closely.

Yumi held her head in pain staggering backwards, accidentally falling down, she turned laying on her stomach. The sudden struck of pain going away, Yumi opened her eyes. Flinching so, she staggered backwards, the blue aura flowed in it's place. Yumi walked closer to it, reaching her hand out, she hesitated holding her hand softly. Minutes passed before she went to touch it.

"Go away! Don't touch me!!" Paris yelled storming out of the halls and into his room, Ivan held his own hand, looking down in guilt, before he made his way to Paris's door, knocking softly he laid his forehead on the door.
"Paris...look i'm sorry..?" Ivan pleaded, Paris looked at the door mumbling he hopped down the rabbit hole. Ivan sighed, before walking down the stairs with a frown.
"Yumi..." a voice called out. Yumi stepped backwards, before she looked behind her. There was no one and nothing, just empty darkness completely sorrounding her.
"Yumi..." the same voice called out again, this time Yumi took a step forward. Such an innocent mind she had, walking closer to the source.
"Yumi, it's time to wake up." The last lines were said as Yumi tiredly fainted down.

"Hello little teddy bear, was the trip from hell magnificent?" The clown said, slowly fiddling with his gun while looking at the bear inside the cage. The bear whinced and growled, the atmosphere changing itself to discomfort.
"What a feisty one I got here today." The clown said cocking the gun as a threat. The bear simply laid down still growling back.
"Do not worry little bear, you are only a lapdog." The clown said softly kicking a box infront of the bear who huffed.
"Do not ignore me, bring this present to Yumi. I want to see the look on Paris's face when I give his own head a hole." The clown said, hysterically smiling, he mischiviously laughed. The bear looked down not wanting trouble to stir up on itself. The bear did what was asked for him, for sure it cannot decline aswell.

The sun rised and the mansion wasn't quite as it should be, as the toys we're helping fix the big ruckus Jame's had 'caused the very night before. Paris ofcourse did not help, instead stayed in bed like a slug waiting to die.
"Little master Paris you are called for help on fixing certain things." A maid said on the other side of the door. Paris shuffled on the blankets, looking at the door he purposely locked.
"How in the world did it turn out like this... 'I want to stay here for one week' I said, smooth move Paris. Now your stuck here, around idiots." Paris mumbled to himself before standing up from the bed, walking to the door in annoyance. Paris opened it swiftly, the maid not fazed, stood in her place. Bowing down, the maid looked Paris in the eyes.


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