37- Breach

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"It's not scouting! It's a breach!!" A toy yelled as he placed two fingers by their mouth.

The whistle was loud and unnerving for the men hiding in bushes.

The ones that stood up, got shot in their head.

Some that continued to stay low tried to shoot but failure got the better of them fast.


"What was that!?" Yumi yelped.

"I think the shoot out just began." Nora said.

"Look out!!!" Atsuko yelled, as the windows shattered, men laughing were heard.

The door bursted open.

"What the fuck are those!??" One of the men yelped, after seeing two huge bears enter with wrist watches.

"Bears!??" Yumi yelped in confusion.

"Move it!" Atsuko whispered, as she grabbed both Nora and Yumi by the arms and dashed towards the busted doors.


Paris dodged, taking the mans arm before giving a punch, causing a few men to dash towards him.

Paris swung the body, protecting himself from the bullets as he recoiled his gun and shot fast here and there.


"Come here father. I might know where she is!" Jack said as he lead the way.

Running up the stairs, he was stopped mid-way from taking his last step to the second floor.

Jack yanked his gun out, cocking it. He missed the shot as Mei twisted his arm right in and out, before kicking him in the face causing him to fall down the railings.

"Hello, mr. Willaim. Or should I say father?" Mei smiled.

"Get out of my way! You are nothing but supposedly a dead disgrace by now!" The old man hissed.

Mei pulled her wand out towards the old man who hicced from the sudden electricity that flinched him right up.

"Where are you going, father?" Mei smirked, tilting her hat a bit to cover her eyes to black.

"Don't tell me you've gone away just to rust by yourself without me and my sister, father." Mei chuckled.

The old man plunged towards Mei, grabbing her colar to give a punch.

Mei dodged, yanking the hand off by a strong grip, before kicking the old man by the crotch, and giving the punch instead.

The old man fell down the stairs, screaming in pain in every hit, before taking his last breath after hitting the last case.

"Pice. Role call. Uproof!" Mei commanded.

Pice nodded as he took out his radio and gun out, leaping down unto a man. He kicked and shot the man who tried to shoot him up-close.

Paul chuckled before hearing the buzz from the radio he had in his hand.

"Role call! I repeat, role call! Guns ready for fire." Paul heard gunshots and a few yelling and screaming while he tried to make out the words Pice was yelling through.

"Pilot in, pilot in." Paul said before cutting the line dead cold.

Standing up, Paul stretched his limbs free from any squinting.

"It's like a zombie-apocalypse up in this view." Hansel said as she laid low while looking down.

Dansel had the rope around her waist tight.

The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now