19- Reunion(5)

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Yumi sat up from the bed with Lily who was still asleep beside her, Yumi rubbed both her eyes before trying to nudge Lily by her shoulder.
"Liy! Liy!" Yumi tiredly said, a groan was heard as Lily sat up rubbing both her eyes to see Yumi yawn at her.
"Where are we..?" Lily asked herself as she looked around the room that was themed for the rich and royalty, it also looked a bit british, Lily stood from the bed but felt something around one of her legs.
"Are these...chains..!?" Lily said giving a little tug on the chains, Lily stood to see the chains were long and attached to the beds feet.
"What is going on..?" Lily said walking unto the desk that had one picture frame laid down on the front, Lily looks at the picture, the glass had a bit of cracks on its side, but it was still ok, Lily looks at the picture to show a man wearing a hat enough to cover his eyes while holding a bratty looking little boy.
"Cute..." Lily said to herself as she placed the picture down making it face forward, Yumi tilted her head in curiosity as she still sat on the bed awake.
"Liy..." Yumi said getting lily's attention, Lily looks at Yumi with a bright expression before it became dull and serious.
"We need to get out of here." Lily said looking at the chains that held her to the bed, Yumi didn't seem to have one on her leg but on her arm that held her to one of the beds legs.
"Now how are we going to get this chains off..." Lily asked herself.
"Up!" Yumi said, Lily raised a brow before an idea struck her, Lily succesfully unchained herself and Yumi, as she carried Yumi and the long line of chains, Lily tried the door but to no avail it was locked, Lily tried the window but they were on the third floor.
"Great, I don't know what else works already..." Lily said giving up so easily already as she laid down on the bed in defeat, Yumi looked around the room and from the help of her third eye she spotted a dark red aura underneath the closet, Yumi made her way to the closet laying down on her stomach she tried to grab something, but she couldn't grab it.
"What is it Yumi?" Lily asked walking towards Yumi, Yumi pointed underneath the closet, Lily looked down but only saw darkness, Lily reached her hand out and to his surprise she felt something square and metalic.
"Box!" Yumi said, Lily grabbed what seemed to be the handle to show a small metal box without a lock, Yumi opened the box to see a stuff bunny.
"Eskep!" Yumi said shaking the bunny, Lily was confused but trusted  Yumi, after Yumi shook the bunny it started moving, it seemed cheerful as it tapped on the wooden floor hard...


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