17- Reunion(3)

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Silence grew thick inside the vehicle as more and more went inside, some had to sit beside one another, and some decided to just stand for their own reasons. Paris sat with arms crossed while he tried waiting patiently, he mumbles to himself very quitely as the vehicle seemed to not stop at locations anymore but rather was going straight to the point. Every toy was silent, some knew eachother but hesitated to talk, some didn't know anybody and decided to stay quite, somehow there was peace, each of the toys didn't let out strong aura's as they only kept their aura's to theirselves. Seconds somehow felt like years already as Paris glared down with hands gripping his arms impatiently, his aura was slowly getting too strong that it filled the car.
"Oy! Do you have a problem..?" A toy that looked like a puppeet, just like him went to up to Paris who deadpanned glared him down, but the puppeet infront of Paris didn't stop only there, soon a loud whack was heard. Curt came back to his senses to see Paris standing infront of a toy.
"S-stop...calm down...Paris..." Curt weakly said in fear.
"Little master Paris please sit back down." The guard said not wanting eye contacts.
"You know exactly where the two are don't you..." Paris said, all eyes were on Curt and Paris.
'Oh no, did he notice!? Please I don't wanna die yet I had a promise!' Curt thought to himself, Paris glared at Curt while grabbing him by his colar.
"I...I d-don't know what...your talking about..." Curt said, stuttering in a few words, but Paris didn't believe him.
"Tell me..." Paris said, Curt gulped, Paris was really getting impatient.
"I don't know..." Curt said.
'I just need to by some more time!' Curt thought to himself while shooked in fear in Paris's grip.
"I'll kill you without hesitation...and I know  you...Curt..." Paris said with a threatening tone.
"I said I don't know..." Curt said, soon the guard stepped in, they were really eyed on.
"Little master Paris that's enough." The guard said trying to grab Paris's hands off, Paris glared in annoyance.
"Don't touch me..." Paris said, darkness consuming his eyes making the guard step away from him, Paris shoves Curt down while glaring down at him.
"Don't test me Curt..." Paris said as the guard tried to calm him down, Paris sat back down with arms crossed, Curt sat back down fixing his clothes back up, everyone eyed Paris the most espacially from his strong aura.
"The fuck are you all looking at?!!" Paris bluntly yelled at everyone who looked away instantly, Paris soon calmed down making everyone feel safe again. The car stopped as the guard opened it for all the toys to be greeted by the moonlight shining behind the giant mansion, the doors were wide open, some toys were outside and some were inside...


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