7- You!??

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Mei's Pov;
Walking inside the mansion without permission I waited in the living room legs crossed and was... practically relaxing y'now,
You go to like let off some steam before you go do a mass murder and make blood rain from above, it was still early, looking at my old pocket watch it was 5 in the morning this man seemed to live only to himself and do everything around the house by himself, tsk. Aren't some supposed to be a bit lazy so in that way I get to atleast make a few house maids unconcious? What? Killing is fun, unless your not a toy like me then that wont suit your taste.
"Ahh...you're here..." a man wearing a red shirt came down and entered the living room, and boy he wasn't alone, he was carrying a female doll that looked like a maid.
"Oh wow...you love to play with dolls don't you..?" I said, he smiled sadistically he had a knife on his other hand, and was walking closer to me, nothing to be fazed about.

No ones Pov;
As the man approached Mei, Mei stood up fixing his sleeves up a bit just like Paris's style now, the man wasn't fazed yet not until Mei spoke.
"You want to play? Let's play alright, is it tag? Hide and seek?" Mei suggestingly said, the man stopped on his last tracks he took, Mei carried the suit case and her other free hand into her pocket, care-free she acted care-free she talked.
"Those games are fine to since magicians...are known to be clever..." Mei said, before she swiftly took the knife away from the man, who was now frowning. "So...am I a boy or a girl..?" Mei said.
"Eh?? What kind of question is that!??" The man said, Mei smirked letting go of the knife she grabbed the man by the neck, the man struggled breathing while Mei laughed.
"Wrong answer...so are you here to pay me or not..?" Mei said noticing the doll fall lifeless to the ground, the man spoke stuttering a bit.
"F-fuck...you..! Hell no.!!" The man said, Mei frowned in dissapointment but with enthusiasm for death.
"Well...it seems Ms. Magician will always get they're hands dirty...without responsibilities..." Mei said crushing the mans neck, suddenly she sensed a bullet, leaning sideways dodging it, thick fog covered the room as a maid came out of nowhere pulling the man out of Mei's hand running away, she kneeled down, suitcase layed flat on the ground, there was a sniper, ready aimed to shoot Mei.
"Tsk! Darn I missed!" A sniper feeling hidden in a tree said as he looked at the room, thick fog clearing out, he knows Mei wasn't dead yet. Meanwhile Paris was walking his way to a mansion, Paris whistled in amusement.
"What a rich looking house~" Paris said walking to it.
"Now...was that man old or was he young?" Paris said to himself, the doll dressed as a maid placed his master on his bed, the master gave one request before hiding away.
"Kill...that delivery boy down stairs...with no hesitations..!" The man then sat down thinking of a hide away, the maid took his master's order and went down stairs, Paris looked around the place and suddenly with no warning he heard what sounded like a body falling of a plane.
"Hmm...must've been a child..." Paris shrugged the noise and continued with his walk, Mei shook her wand sideways as smoke from the other end of the wand was coming out, her hat also smoking from it's galactic dark inner walls, the maid looked at Mei trying not to hesitate, and dashed towards Mei a long thin like needle ready to stab.
"Oh! What a pretty gal I have here?" Mei said, the long needle landed inside inside the hat, darkness consumed half of the needle, wand near the suitcase, her free hand holding the maids hand.
"Lady's are not supposed to attack and be genocidal." Mei said and the maid started to fall to it's knee's.
"Please don't destroy me!!! I'll do anything spare me please!!!" The maid begged, Mei didn't feel any emotional feelings from her, none at all, Mei took her wand wearing back her hat and carrying the suitcase carelessly as always.
"I know your not human..." Mei said.
"You think I wouldn't notice you being carried by the sadistis man..?" Mei said then chuckled.
"Please darling~ I wont get my hands dirty from destroying you..." Mei said, the maid looked up frowning, Mei was smirking.
"Why don't you come with me..? I can tell your no maid...but a dancer..." Mei said, looking at her wrist, there was another set of clothing the maid wore underneath the maid outfit.
"Oh boy. Oh no." Paris said standing infront of the mansions door, he could extremely hear rather faint police cars coming closer, before he could open the door, Mei and the so called dancer opened it first, Mei's eyes was filled with shock, Paris was surprised not by the door opening but for the two women infront of him.
"YOU!??" Paris and Mei said, the dancer was confused.
"Y-you know each other??" The dancer said, looking back and forth to Mei and Paris, Mei and Paris started to chuckle and shake hands like old friends.
"Ofcourse Dansel! Paris and I were rather a troublesome duo back when our creators made us." Mei said.
"Now I remember you stealing from my creator!" Paris said, they both laughed.
"Fine, your right about that one! But you almost killed my creator trying to catch those annoying pair of dancing shoes!" Mei said, the both laughed again, Dansel was rather happy, seeing some people or rather toys laugh infront of her.
"W-wait...I think my master called the police..." Dansel said.
"Dansel sweety~ He is no longer your master, you are a free bird. Remember that." Mei said.
"But shes right though, also i'm here to kill this so called master of yours Dansel." Paris said, all of them could now hear faint police cars coming closer, for Paris it sounded already close, the three made a plan or rather a decision. Mei magically summoned a car, Dansel took of the maid outfit and her dancing clothes were now visible, a shot was heard, it was Paris who then came down stairs and hopped into Mei's car, Dansel was in the back seat already sitting and waiting, Mei turned the car on and hit the pedal like there was a tsunami of lava behind them. They sped up above from the police cars and dashed off thanks to a randomly placed bend over wood, it seemed that the owner of the mansion wanted to try car parkours for a living, all of them had seat belts ofcourse, Mei twisted and turned realizing that there were police cars on their tail, Paris was having a blast, but for poor Dansel, she turned into toy size and hid under the seats, Paris and Mei noticed this ofcourse.
"EY!! MIND WAISTING UP BULLETS!?!" Mei said making Paris laugh as Paris took out his gun, the gun smiled wickedly.
"I DON'T RUN OUT OF BULLETS MEICIAN!!" Paris said, Mei gasped still driving with eyes on the road, Paris started to make headshoots in each car.
"YOU ARE UNWORTHY OF CALLING ME THAT FRANCE!!" Mei said turning the car making Paris gasped flipping down from his seat, he still had seatbelts though.
"KNOW THAT! HOW DISRESPECTFUL!!!" Paris said, Dansel looked up to see two manly people making fun at eachother like kids, realizing none of them were looking at the road, she turned human size and jumped up in panick.
"EYES ON THE ROAD!!!" Dansel yelled, and sure enough Mei was quickly turned, the car almost falling side ways but stayed, no police cars were following them anymore, Paris realized soon enough that Mei was going as to where Paris somewhat stayed.
"So where do you live? America? China? Indonisia?" Mei said.
"I mean, we are toys. We can travel with no sweat." Mei said, Paris chuckled.
"I live here dimwit." Paris said, Dansel looked sideways on the road it was filled with a bit of shops, hotels, apartments and a giant mall to top it off.
"Ehh~!?? Oh my~ How come we haven't stumbled to eachother here yet? I live here!~" Mei said, Paris was somewhat smiling hestirically, Mei got curios and looked to find a hooded boy with her creators camera.
"Looks like young camera boy is still alive..." Mei said.
"Nah...he hasn't done much but scared little pie..." Paris said leaning back on his seat, Dansel got curios.
"Whose..? Little Pie.??" Dansel said, Paris then realized his non existing tounge slipped.
"Is it a she? Or a he? Oh wait! Is it an adopted child?~" Mei was now trying to make fun of Paris, Mei got a reply of a playful punch by her side, Dansel then joined their laughter. Mei then stopped the car in the apartment Paris told Mei to stop at, Paris hopped out of the car and waved goodbye to Mei and Dansel.
"Oh by the way Paris! Let's hang out like old times! It's been a bit boring since the day Pal moved in with me and Ale, not much of privacy can be taken now." Mei said.
"Oh well...now you are to be seen randomly appearing in my apartment would be real magic." Paris said and off Mei drove with Dansel, Paris open his apartment door to see that he was gone for only three hours, Paris called out Yumi's name but there was not yet a single response, entering the bedroom, windows wide open... again... with a letter stuck under a pebble.

Hello it's me, your old pal! Want Yumi back? Come to (coordination)...
-S '

Paris's Pov;

To be continued...

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