11- Before we were friends

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The mansion was filled with utter silence as Ian walked in, his own work was now complete, his own personal meeting with Ivan was now complete, all he now wants is to relax.
"Hang my coat." Ian said as he threw a brown warm coat to his servant who nodded for Ian's return home, Ian sat on the brown comfy chair looking out his wide window in silence, it was one of those days again after Paris was forced to move in with him, one of Ivan's creations to be precise. Ian sighed, it really just was one of those days where the two weren't destroying eachother, the dummy and the dummy, they were quite the violent duo in fights especially if it were to involve weapons, in some days the mansion would be filled with laughter and talking that would echo through the halls of the mansion, sometimes it would be Mei making fun of Paul, sometimes it would be Mei making fun of Ale, Mei was just a funny comedian in the mansion whenever she felt like it. All of Ian's creations were perfect and would go according to what they would be specifically built for, if he were to create a mistake in them he would certainly know how to improvise and fix his own mistake without the need of violence in hand. Ian felt bored whenever it was silent, but that doesn't mean he wants one of his creations to be fighting, if it were to be Paris and Mei it would be a tie, the room they would be fighting would be a disastrous place, there would be holes in the walls, lamps and chairs, almost anything the two would find in the room would be thrown at eachother without hesitation, sometimes gunshots could be visibly heard, the two wont dare stop the fight as if it was a loop, not unless both are held down on the ground by more than two people to calm them down or if they suddenly get distracted they forget what they were fighting for and just glare at eachother, probably fight again if they have another thing to fight about again, more over the two would end up with scratches in their faces, probably from being slammed to walls, crashed by items thrown at eachother, or just by punches, clothes would become dirty and ripped as if they came out of the most dangerous world war ever recorded in history books, Mei would constantly drink herself 'til drunk and rampage in her own room, Paris would run away for a month before coming back smelling like ciggar, it was quite a trouble for Ian whenever Ivan wouldn't be able to help him.
"Sir...Ian..?" A male voice caught Ian's attention which he turns around to see Ale by the door.
"Yes, what is it Aleineer..?" Ian said a bit worried at Ale's frowning expression.
"Sir...Meician and...Paris..." Ale felt scared, Ian listened very closely to Ale, Ale knew how frantic his creator can get when something bad would happen to his creations.
"...Have been missing for weeks..." Ale said, Ale couldn't hesitate to his loving creator, Ian's eyes widened in worry and fear.
"W-where were the two last seen??" Ian said, trying his best to keep himself calm.
"I don't know..." Ale said as he started to cry, Ian's fatherly instinct's kicked in, Ian stood from his chair walking up to Ale comforting him.
"Don't worry Aleineer..." Ian said reassuring Ale. Meanwhile Paris was tied up in a wooden chair with what seemed to be a small sack over his head.
"For the last time let us go were not humans!" Mei said glaring at four black masked mens in jackets, Paris sat still with the small sack in his head, he felt useless, Mei felt the same aswell as she stared at Paris in displeasing attention.
"Paris...sorry for..." Mei slowly said, Paris didn't move but listened.
"Y'now...about beating the shit out of you as if I was in hell..." Mei said with a smile, the four masked men listened at their conversation without pity, Paris still didn't move.
"I was...being asshole to you...but who the fuck cares you were acting like a british asshole anyway..!" Mei said earning a chuckle from Paris who started to move as if he just woke up from a slumber.
"Y'now Mei...i'm gonna wish I wasn't tied down so I can beat you up shitface..." Paris said under the small sack, Mei laughed, Paris crossed his legs calmly ignoring the fact that four masked men were listening to them.
"Don't worry you Dwock, y'now i'm sly as hell!" Mei started to give an accent to Paris.
"V'ell be thy guest~ I can't see shit~" Paris said also giving out an accent, they both laughed like stubborn dummy's as they pretended the four men to be invisible.
"Ok, I gotta admit you might smoke and not drink. But you are so hella fun to talk shit about." Mei said earning a snirk from Paris.
"Even though I only smoke you pack a monsters punch." Paris said.
"You wanna get the fuck outta here? I feel rather a bit stiff sitting in this chair not tied." Mei said, the four mens became confused and sensitive.
"Oh yeah? I had to get used to this shitty thing around my head! And my gun's wanting to shoot heads." Paris said taking off the small sack with his other empty hand, he shot the four men without sweat.
"Oy! Don't waste yer bullets I wanna beat the shit outta someone not just you!" Mei said playfully nudging Paris's shoulder.
"Well too bad! I never run out of bullets and there were only four shitty mens in thy room!" Paris said, Mei rolled her eyes, they both look at their clothes to see it was distorted and rubbish looking.
"You want some booze? My treat!" Paris said, Mei smiled giving a confused look at Paris.
"How the hell are you going to afford liquer?" Mei said walking pass the four dead men on the floor, Paris gave a toothy grin at Mei as he kneeled down pick pocketing the four men on the ground without hesitation, Mei snirked.
"Are you serious?" Mei said.
"Indeed I am not. And also they are not dead, I paralyzed them." Paris said kicking one of men that then groaned in pain to make Mei believe him.
"Alrighty~" Mei said, and soon the two were out of the sound proof house. Ian sat quitely in his chair wondering and trying to track Mei and Paris's real reason as to why they are missing, Ian couldn't tell Ivan that Paris was missing is to the fact Ivan would feel unsafe wherever he would go.
"For Gods sake what happened to you two!??" Gilter the butler said in worry as he almost dropped the wine glass out of his hands, the two laughed.
"We'll i'll be...this is just a miracle..." Gitler said looking at the two with a smirk.
"Get this fucker all the liquer that this four wallets can afford..." Paris said tossing four wallets from strangers, Gilter raised an eyebrow suspicious was in his head tonight.
"You both let four people think they actually caught you??? What the actual hell!?" Gilter said looking at all the id's in the wallets one by one.
"Oh and give this asshole a packet of your finest ciggar of whatever that brand was!" Mei said, Gilter sighed getting both them their needs, the two chatted until the bar slowly closed.
"Holy shit, yer fuckin drunk as hell." Paris said, Mei laughed hysterically.
"Good! Jolly!! Ffffffriieeend!" Mei said, boy was she very drunk, Gilter was almost finished closing his bar and was now waiting for the two monologs to finish, Gilter walks up on the two to see them chatter at each other.
"Oh, was that Mei's tenth  bottle? Mostly she gets very drunk on the tenth bottle." Gilter said as she took the ten empty bottles away, Mei seemed happy, her face red as a parrot, Paris smelled like ciggar, Gilter watched in amusement.
"You should take Mei home now, it's extremely late tonight." Gilter said.
"I llliiiiiikkeeee yyyooouuu ffrriiiiieeeennddd!!!" Mei said going for a hug, Paris slowly kept on shoving Mei by her face, Gilter snirked.
"It's 3 am...the devil's hour booh~~!" Gilter snickered and sneered, Paris rolled his eyes helping Mei stand, Mei made it difficult for Paris from how she was a bit heavy and very drunk.
"Ok see yah Gilter." Paris said shoving a pack of cigg in his left pocket, he then walked Mei home or so he thought of doing, they instead stop on a motel, Paris shoved Mei on the empty bed as he smoked out in the empty window, but for his surprise a man knocked the door down.
"Early in the morning..?" Mei mumbled while groaning as she stood up, not until she got dragged by the feet and slammed to the wall.
"Mei the hell are you doing..?" Paris said unamused at Mei's acting as he entering the room, Mei was being choked by the wall, there stood a man who seemed to be a body guard and a young female teenager who seemed to have nothing without a care, Mei was pretending to be choked and then pretended to be dead stiff.
"Mam this ones dead now." The man said looking at Paris who stood laying his back by the wall arms crossed, the man then let go of Mei who was still acting dead.
"Mei...stop it's fuckin' annoying now..." Paris said.
"Why are you talking to a corpse?" The female teen said not noticing Mei who snapped the man's neck silently.
"Dearie~ be a sweety and don't tell a soul about this alright?" Mei said, the teen turned around to see her own face an inch away from Mei's face.
"Hey, shes not a corpse alright?" Paris said making the teen girl spray something that is supposed to be painful to human eyes
"AAARRGH!!! MY EYES!!!" Paris yelled pretending to be in pain.
"Psych. My eyes aren't even real." Paris said with a toothy grin.
"Mei take information out of her I wanna finish this pack first." Paris said walking back to the empty window smoking.
"You asshole...alright..! Talk sweetie before Paris takes control of making you confess..." Mei said sounding treathening to the teen girl who felt scared loosing her only bodyguard. Ale sat with Paul who was talking with him, since Paul had nothing to do and was bored, Ian had finally told Ivan about the problem and soon investigated the two toys disappereance, suddenly a loud crash was heard from outside the mansion and laughing, all the servants suddenly ran to the front door, Ian and Ivan's faces showed only confusion and nothing else, Paul and Ale walked to the front door to see all the servants standing facing the front door seemingly ready to greet and bow.
"Gahk!! Mother fucker!!!" Paris's yelling was heard from outside the mansion, Ivan thought it was Paris from his aura, the door bursted open showing Paris chasing Mei, all the servants bowed greeting the two who had new t-shirts that looked stolen from the price tag still attached to it, Mei ran around the creators carrying Paris's gun.
"Asshole! Stop it! Or I swear i'll beat the shit out of you!" Paris said threatening Mei who stopped, Paris glared, Mei sneered glaring, Ale and Paul started to slowly back away, the two creators also started to slowly back away, the two glared as Mei tossed Paris's gun back to him, Paris tossed it sideways making it hit the wall, Mei slowly made her hands into fists, Paris  did the same, and then loud crashing was heard, the servants came back with equipments that was supposedly used for fixing a room, Mei went to punch Paris who dodged, Mei's fist landed on the wall making a hole, Paris grabbed Mei by her shirt slamming her down, Mei kicked Paris by his stomach making him flip the other way, Mei turned her left hand into a fist punching Paris by his cheek, Mei earned an uppercut, Mei quickly and somehow was able to grab a vase crashing it to Paris's head, Paris grabbed a wooden coffee table crashing it to Mei's face,Mei wiped her face high kicking Paris who blocked it grabbing Mei by her colar slamming her to the wall, Mei kicked Paris on his stomach making Paris loose hold of her colar grabbing a chair which she then was about to slam on Paris but stopped when her eyes caught her interest.
"Little master Meician have some wine to ease down." A female servant said calmly carrying a tray of wine, Mei felt calm not until Paris grabbed her colar kicking her by the stomach, Mei grabbed Paris slamming him down, Paris smelled ciggar, Mei could hear ice inside a wine glass, the two stopped as two servants got them distracted.
"We have kept track on them whenever they fight masters." One of the servants said.
"I...I see..." Ivan said. The room they were fighting was a mess.
"The smell of nature..." Paris said huffing smoke out of his mouth.
"Oh you addict..." Mei said drinking the red wine.
"Golly! I'm Mei and i'm not allowed to smoke~!" Paris said, Mei looked at him smiling before she smashed the wine glass into glass bits, Paris looked at Mei as he placed the half lit ciggar down the tray, the creators looked at them dumbfounded for their childish actions. Mei quickly went for a punch, Paris dodged going for a punch, everything seems to be going on endless.
"MEI!!! PARIS!!!" Ale yelled, the two stopped half way into punching eachother when Ale stopped them, Ale frowned giving an angry look at Mei before crossing his arms looking away avoiding eye contacts, Paris huffed when Mei started to plead for forgiveness.
"Ale...!? Forgive me!..." Mei cried, Ale gave in knowing Mei just got home from going missing.
"Fine...but don't disappear again..!" Ale said.
"Why do I feel like this is my childhood now..." Paris said.
"Creators! We found informations from a teen girl hours ago! Is that helpful?" Paris said, Ivan gave a thumbsup, Ian sighed smiling. Paris then stood clothes dirty, face filled with a bit of sratches from the fight.
"Paris...I want to talk to you...privately..." Ivan said.


The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now