15- Reunion(1)

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"Curt...are you sure you want to do this..?" Red asked in worry while looking at Curt who was buttoning up the suit he got himself.
"I have no other choice Red...I promise i'll be back after 10 years..." Curt said fixing his tie neatly, Red sighed, sitting down on the couch.
"Well, i'll only do housesitting right?" Red asked.
"Uh-huh. Promise me you'll still be alive when I come back to visit?" Curt said with fear mixed in his own worryful voice, Red nodded with a warm smile making Curt smile back. It was now a sealed promise, Curt walks out of his so called home to be greeted by a car, he walks closer to it, as the guard opened the door for him, walking in, the smell of a very familiar perfume drowns his nose.
"Curt...is that right..?" a voice was heard inside the car after Curt took a sit, Curt's eyes looked for the source and to his surprise it was only a female toy.
"W-who are you?" Curt asked looking at the toy who seemed to know him.
"I've seen you...somewhere in a fare...i'm Hansel..." Hansel said.
"O-oh! You must be one of those dancers i've taken a picture of for...Hanzo..." Curt said looking down in disgust.
"It's alright...I know that my sister is safe..." Hansel said making Curt's face brighten softly to her reassuring voice. Soon there was a thick line of silence before the car stopped, the guard stood up opening the door, a toy in a suit themed police like uniform came in, it's gaze first went to Curt.
"Curt?" The toy in police clothing asked.
"H-hey...policeman Pice..?" Curt said smiling weakly to him, Pice groaned in annoyance sitting on the opposite side of the car with arms crossed. A long thick line of silence continued again before it was broken by Pice.
"Where's this car headed to Curt?" Pice asked.
"I don't know actually...all I know is that there was this toy that gave me this type of clothing..." Curt said.
"That toy wasn't a nobody Curt..." Hansel said making Curt and Pice's attention towards her.
"And...this car is going back to Ian's mansion..." Hansel said, the two looked in shock, Pice started having a panic attack.
"Stop this car!" Pice yelled trying to open the door beside the guard stood beside in.
"Please drive this car somewhere else...please..!" Curt begged holding his head down in fear.
"I am very sorry, but I get paid enough to stop you." The guard said looking down in shame.
"Not my fucking policy! Open this door!! Let us out!" Pice yelled slamming the window.
"Even if I wanted to I cannot let you out little master Pice." The guard said.
"Don't call me fucking 'little master'!!!" Pice yelped in anger, while Curt sat in fear not knowing what to do...


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