34- it's been so long

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I groaned as I sat up from the bed that carried me, my backpack and the same black cat that rested around my legs.

"Hey," I called out.

The cat yawned before standing up and stretched it's small furry body.

"Talking cat. Can you like understand me?" Now I am asking a cat this?

"Clearly, I can. What's suddenly wrong with you? Don't you remember me at all?" The cat suddenly asked.

"Uhh, ok. I don't remember you or even owning a black cat like you." I denied his questions.

"What? But I am not able to say my name unless you are able to remember." It said.

Why am I even talking to a bloody cat!?

"I know who you really are, you're true identity. But please do accept my apology on leaving you alone in that closet while that monster destroyed your loving home." Why does this cat keep apologozing?? Is this some sick way of their idea on trying to get me to apoligize to them without me realizing it just yet.

I took a deep huff and a deep puff.

The cat stared at me in such little amusement as I could see the faintest smirk I could find in it's small black furry face sticking out.

"Ok. So if you think you 'know' who I am, then what's my name??" I blurted out.

The cat gave a rather shocked look as I looked back at it with a little hint of seriousness in my expression.

"I know somebody who can say you're name." It said.

I stared with a blank expression, but before I could blabber infront of the talking cat it spoke.

"I know. I know. I should be the one saying the answers you are asking directly from me but I am not able to say a person or a thing's name unless they have been said by that same one." The cat's teaching me stuff now.

I am definetly drugged by my parents again. And this darn cat is obviously avoiding my questions with lies and such details.

"Mom and dad drugged me again, huh?" I snarled.

The cat seemingly raised a brow as it lightly twisted it's head in confusion.

I quickly sigh and calm myself down as I looked at the cat who was wearing a concerned look right back at me.

"Ok, who is this person? Take me to them now, it's not passed a---" I stopped dead on my words as I glanced on my watch.

"Can we go there even if it's night time already?" I asked in a little embarrassment. Wy do I even feel embarrased..?

"Around night time? Ofcourse we can but are you sure? The last time you walked the streets at night you were kidnapped dozens of time and he had to save you every single time it happens." The cat smiled before letting out a sincere laugh.

"Just take me to this person already, goddamnit." I demanded.

The cat shrugged before hopping of the bed.

"Let's go then." It purred out while standing by the door, ready to walk out any second I open that door.

A few minutes have passed already, the cold wind blew around my hood that tried it's best to stay put around my head. There was silence that loomed the streets I walked, before passing an old and seemingly having this sudden deja vu from a small bakery.

"Remember that place? You loved going there." The cat complied.

"I went to that old, ugly and commoner looking bakery?" I asked.

The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now