35- the Blob and Ring

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Going into auto-pilot on defenses I kicked the thing off and back out the window.

The loud thud was enough for me to know it was somewhere down that spot near a side of garbage cans and bags.

"I still have more days left here. Tell me who these people are that I can interrogate." I said as the cat smiled before frowning.

Well whatever the reason is it's probably a lie now. Standing up I dust myself off before glancing back on the cat.

"I went there last night and I don't think you'll be even welcomed atleast for a few questions." The cat said.

I whinned before instantly slamming my head on the nearest wall.

After a few slamming or so I was able to calm myself back down. This cat is probably trying to keep something away from me.

That's gotta be it!

"You! Stay put here, i'm going to interrogate people who I can probably trust better than you! And if you're gonna whine I will personally throw you off the window so you can become a white pussy cat!" I said before putting my hood around my head as I slam the door shut behind me and made my way down stairs and to the counter desk.

"Enough crying more talking." I said before slamming my hands on the counter to get their full attention.

They instantly gave me an unjustified look as I huffed.

My eyes were probably white since my hood is able to hide half my face.

"I have questions. So many questions. I know for sure the black cat that suddenly appeared yesterday noon is hiding something from me." I said. But I was only answered by them kicking me out of the apartment.

Screw that black cat! I'll just go back and ask Curt.


"Curt please! Just tell me where this huge mansion is and i'll leave you alone this time for sure!!" I lied as I held the door open.

After a few minutes of fighting, Curt finally agreed.

"Get inside, their watching every where y'now. Just take a step on that picture of a mansion and you'll be taken there, now hurry and go before I get caught." Curt said.

"Thank you! And this better not be a joke or I swear i'll choke you to death!" I said before taking a step on the picture in which case somehow 'teleported' me infront of the mansion doors.

I think I might really have to keep my hood on for this one. The little causios thoughts is useful sometimes y'now.

Flipping my hood back on again, I make sure not a single strand of my white hair was visible to be seen.

Walking up the wide doors, I could hear what seemed to be faint noises. I could hear my own voice?!

Suddenly before I was able to knock on the large doors, it opened by itself.

"Welcome back Yumi Wright." A butler announced while a bunch of random maids and butlers were in a line, while I looked with wide eyes and a shocked expression.

"What..?" Was all I could think of saying before taking a step inside.

There were strange and different auras around the mansion. In and out.

But one peculiar aura was the most charming one. It felt welcoming.

All I could really think off now was to follow my voice.

This mansion is actually gicantic on the inside.

After a few minutes of walking around and trying to locate my voice, in which I was only met by another large door. Well not too large more like a sort of mini version of that large front door I think..?

The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now