Chapter 1: Those Calm Blue Eyes

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That's what I see in my eyes after I step out of the shower. I just saw Peeta plant those primroses outside my house. It shocked me. I can't believe he still cares. I thought I was alone, that no one loved me but that's what I saw in those eyes. The same look he had always given me when I asked him to stay with me at night when the I couldn't fight of the nightmares. His blue eyes reflected love.

He's brought me back to life. I'm brought out of my trance by noise at the front door. I can tell by the voice it's Greasy Sae. But I hear a response, a voice that brings me joy just hearing it. He came. He just got home and now he's in my house, probably to share dinner with me.

I hurry and get dressed and run down the stairs and instantly smell him. Not in a bad just the smell of freshest baked bread that announces his presence. I stand in the kitchen doorway and he turns around and I sigh.

"Hey Katniss," Peeta says " I brought you some bread. Sae said you hadn't been eating I hoped it could encourage you."

"Well I never could turn down your bread Peeta." I say as walk over to him and wrap my arms around him.

He doesn't hesitate to embrace me and I whisper into his chest, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Katniss, I was afraid you didn't want to see me after you locked your doors this morning." He says softly in to my hair.

"It wasn't that it was just you had woken me from the trance I was stuck in since I got home. I cleaned my house, took a shower, finally got the feeling of life in myself." I say staring into his calm blue eyes.

And with that we sit down at my table and eat lamb stew Sae left for me and his bread he brought for me. we make small talk and I find that he wants to rebuild the bakery.

"That's wonderful Peeta I'd love to help you with that!" I tell him as we walk to the door.

"Thanks Katniss I'll keep that in mind. Well I'd better leave and let you get some sleep." he says.

I hug him and he leaves. I walk up stairs change my clothes and fall into my bed happy only to get sucked into another nightmare.


Hey guys I'm so exited to finally get the courage to write this. Disclaimer : I don't own the characters but I did elaborate on ideas created by Suzanne Collins. sorry if it seems short!

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