Chapter 2

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—Two Days after "The Decimation"—

Bruce sipped on some of his coffee that was laid for him on the table. He hasn't slept in the last twenty-four hours so he was nearing the end of his shift of working. His job was to find anybody useful and with 50% of the universe's population gone, it proved to be hard.

Every corner of the world has reported missing cases for victims. They stated that they turned into "dust". Nobody knew what happened in Wakanda and they thought it was a phenomenon. They didn't even know that the Avengers were a part of it.

Bruce was researching on the disappearance of Shuri who was last seen at the facility of Wakanda. He checked the camera footage of her running out of the facility but after that, she was gone. The protective shield of Wakanda had cameras all around, but there was no sign of her running out of the country in a three-hour period after the "Decimation".

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, you have to work with me. I need any facial recognitions of Shuri. Anything that comes close to her." Bruce said.

"Mr. Banner, I searched all cameras and Shuri did not walk out of Wakanda premises. The citizens of the country hasn't reported sightings of the Queen." She explained.

"There is no way that she could've walked out of Wakanda. She stepped out of the laboratory five minutes after the snap, so that means that she didn't disappear."

"Would you like me to replay that clip?"

"I've seen it too many times. Shut off videos. I need some information." Bruce places his cup of coffee down and stretched his neck. "Stephen Strange."

"Missing. Last seen: New York. Known associates alive: Wong." She said.

"Place Wong on my to-do list. I'm going to give him a visit when I can." Bruce sighed, "Try Peter Parker."

"Missing. Last seen: New York. Known associates alive: May Parker, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan."

"I need to give Ms. Potts some time. I don't want to break the news to Peter's aunt. Happy I have to ask." Bruce placed his hand on his mouth, groaning in frustration. "Scott Lang."

"Missing. Last seen: California. Known associates alive: none."

When Bruce heard it, he covered his entire face with his hand. He moaned in anger because all the people they needed were either dead or missing.

"Are there any distress signals put up by Tony?" Bruce asked.

"I'm afraid there are none, Mr. Banner. I lost connection to him a few days ago. Nobody has heard from him since."

"Any messages, F.R.I.D.A.Y?"

"Well, for now, Mr. Banner, he is considered missing. Last seen: New York."

"Goddamnit it." Bruce sighed and turned off the computer. While he was fixing his stuff, Rocket went inside the room.

"Any good news I can be expecting right now?" Rocket asked, holding a flower pot with dirt inside.

"What is that?" Bruce asked, throwing his cup of coffee in the trash can.

"I..." Rocket sniffed, "grabbed some of the branches from Thor's hammer to see if Groot would grow back. I'm just..."

"It's alright. I know what it feels like." Bruce leaned forward and patted him. "We'll find a way."

Rocket smiled a little and placed the flower pot on the table. Bruce grabbed his things and started to bring it to his room. Rocket sat on one of the lab chairs and started to look around the files.

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