Chapter 17

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—"Two Years and Three Months after "The Decimation"—

Steve followed Natasha towards the storage room where they kept old gear. That's one of Tony's favourite rooms when he's looking to recycle old materials. When they entered inside, it was very dusty. Cobwebs were spread around the room and all of the materials seemed like it was made in WWII.

While Natasha dug through some of the recent armour, Steve took a look around the armoury. There were old prototypes of weapons scattered in the corners of the room. A lot of parts for an Iron Man suit were on the floor.

"Here." Natasha said, throwing Steve a folded costume.

Steve unfolded it and took a glance at it. It was the armour he used back in 2014. "How did you know it was here."

"I found out yesterday that Stark threw all your shit in here." Natasha said. "But still no shield."

"I don't need it." Steve muttered, relieving all the short memories he had with the suit. "How are the others?"

"Stark built Rhodey a new suit. The others have their own suit."

"And you?" Steve asked, holding the costume carelessly.

"I have my own, Rogers. I'm always prepared." Natasha scoffed and smiled.

"Is that a smile I see?" Steve asked. Natasha middle-fingered him on the way out. "Smart answer."

Natasha exited out of the armoury and walked towards her room. She let out a deep sigh when she entered her quarters. The end was near but it wasn't clear what they were waiting for. They didn't even knew if they were going to win. It was either them or Thanos.

Her new suit was hanging on the wall, waiting to be worn. She removed her casual clothes and exchanged it for her suit that would lead her to certainly last fight. The batons she had been using since 2016 were laid on her desk. She picked it up. The only other thing she needed was a gun.

She walked outside her room and went towards the living room. Outside the Headquarters was the time device. It was laid on the grass with different spotlights flashing on it. Inside the living room was Rhodey, in a new suit, and Scott in his newly fixed outfit. Rocket exited the lab with his battle armour that he had been working on for a while. Bruce came from behind Natasha wearing normal clothes. Inside of it was a black latex which Tony had designed for him.

"What is that for?" Natasha questioned.

"I don't know too. I guess trust in Stark, huh?" Bruce asked with a smile.

"If you die in that suit, that's your problem." Natasha scoffed and moved between Rocket and Rhodey.

Clint and Nebula emerged from the outside, both already in suit. It seemed like Clint didn't have any arrows so he rushed towards the armoury. Nebula walked towards them.

After some waiting, Steve turned the corner, clothed in his old Captain America armour that he hasn't worn for five years. It was like he was wearing something new, as the suit glowed around the room.

"Looks like Cap gets the kick-ass armour, am I right guys?" Bruce said, but nobody responded, "Really? Everyone's cool with that?"

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