Chapter 21

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—A few years before "The Decimation"—

Natasha and Clint were waiting in the hangar room, looking for the ship that Tony had suggested. There were many workers still inside the place at night, ready for any attack that was to happen. The past Avengers were already sleeping in their rooms. Tony and Bruce of the past were the ones still working.

After a few seconds, somebody got on the earpiece. It was Tony.

"Alright, we're in position. How about you guys?" Tony asked.

"We're in position, Stark. Once it goes to shit, we'll get the ship." Clint said.

"Good. We have about three guards on shift right now." Tony paused, "Any Avengers in the hangar?"

"Doesn't seem like it." Clint answered, looking through the holes of the ventilation system.

"We're good to go. See you in the ship." Tony removed the audio from his end of the earpiece.

Clint and Natasha were now patiently waiting for the attack. Natasha has dyed her hair maroon to prevent anyone from noticing her. Once there was a small explosion in the distance, they went through the ventilation system.

Clint and Natasha dropped inside the hangar and proceeded to open fire completely. Some of the pilots took cover as Clint unleashed arrow after arrow on the staff. There were some S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers who arrived on the walkway above. Natasha, with her precision, handled the armour-less soldiers with ease. Clint placed his arrows on his back and drew his swords out.

One by one, Clint started to kill the remaining pilots with his swords. The hangar was clear. The both of them retrieved the ship that they wanted to use. It was a ship as large as the Quinjet. The real Quinjet was parked on the hangar above.

"You really had to kill them?" Natasha asked, opening the ship.

"Who's the one who shot down the soldiers?" Clint pointed out while grabbing two arrows from the soldiers he shot inside the ship.

"I don't know. Who was the one who sliced them open?" Natasha said.

"You got me on that one." Clint chuckled, walking outside. He pressed on his earpiece, "We got the ship. Hangar's clear. Thor, you can get over here."

"On it." Thor said on his end.

"Their on their way." Clint said, turning around to Natasha, "Is the ship in good condition."

"It has a few shots in it; but it's good to go. Might not be as quick as Banner says." Natasha said.

"As long as it runs. We have a crew to make up for it anyways." Clint said, dropping his bag full of arrows. The hangar door opened, "Hey Thor! Banner?!"

"Hands up!" The past Tony said. He was in his Mark VI armour. "Whoever you are, hands up!"

Clint placed his hands up and Natasha hid behind the walls of the ship. While Tony walked closer to Clint to arrest him, he slipped the earpiece out of his ear and threw it behind. Natasha was near enough to pick it up without being noticed by Tony.

"Bruce, we could need some help over here." Natasha whispered.

Tony threw Clint's swords away. He grabbed his hands and placed it behind his back. Tony then escorted him towards the inside of the hallway. There was some rumbling near them so Clint hit Tony with an elbow which hurt him a little, but enough for Tony to lose control of him. Clint leaped towards the side as Bruce, who was in Hulk form and in a black suit, crashed through the wall and knocked Tony away.

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