Chapter 12

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—Two Years after "The Decimation"—

Steve was walking along with Carol outside the facility to show her around. There was almost nothing special to see inside the Avengers Headquarters but she wanted to see it anyways. Their argument from earlier seemed to have fizzled out earlier as they have already been talking nicely. Tony, however, went back to the lab to continue his work.

Once they were finished with their tour, the both of them walked outside and onto the balcony. They just watched the stars in the sky.

"So, World War II veteran, huh? Seems like you went through a lot." Carol said, still looking at the stars.

"I did. I lost some friends here and there." Steve sighed, "Even now. I'm still losing friends."

"If this is about Stark, I'm sure you two are still friends. You're just going through a hard time." Carol said. She saw Steve's mouth opening so she stopped him, "I know what happened in Sokovia. I know what made Stark snap. It was a good reason to snap, by the way."

"Well, we left our friendship in Siberia. Along with my shield." Steve said.

"Do you have any idea where it is? Because I'm pretty sure nobody is going to leave an artifact on a deserted island."

"Wherever it is, I miss it. I don't wear it anymore because... I don't fight for the meaning of it. I just fight because I want everyone to survive."

"Isn't that the meaning?" Carol asked and looked at Steve.

Steve shook his head, "I'm supposed to represent everything a good man does. But does a good man hide secrets?"

"Yes, a good man must hide secrets for the protection of others." Carol said, "Look at you and Tony before all of this. You hid a secret from him and there was nothing wrong."

"Hm..." Steve nodded, "Maybe you're right. Some good men do have to keep secrets to protect others. You're right there, Danvers."

"You should have met me back in 1995. I was quite the addict in giving advices." Carol winked.

"What do you mean..." Steve stopped when Carol smiled, "I can get my own women, Danvers."

"A WWII veteran who has never gotten a decent night. Such a poor bastard." Carol shook her head smiling.

"I got too many things to do. I don't have enough time to spend it on a woman."

"I highly doubt that." Carol chuckled, "But I'll respect your decision, Rogers. I'll try to understand it too."

"There's not a lot to understand, if you think about it."

"There is." Carol sighed and looked at the stars, "You'll find out soon."

"Jesu-" Steve shook his head and laughed, "Sure, Danvers. I'll find out soon."

"That's the spirit." Carol laughed along with him.

Meanwhile, inside the facility, Tony was working hard with F.R.I.D.A.Y. to finish the time device. Rocket was researching along with them as well. Natasha and Scott were already sleeping in their beds.

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