Chapter 23

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Carol woke up to the sound of gunshots being fired around her. She was still shaking from the blast that knocked her out. Her vision was still blurry, but she could see rays of green and purple in the distance.

After recovering a little, her vision went back to normal. Rocket and Nebula were defending the time device and Carol from the Chitauri soldiers that were trying to reach the device. Carol got up, shook off the pain, and shot a photon blast through multiple Chitauri soldiers bodies. Nebula and Rocket turned back to look at her.

"You're up early!" Rocket shouted, continuing to shoot down the soldiers.

"It was about time I got my ass off." Carol said, attacking the soldiers. She got up close and punched them with photon blasts. They were being sent back and the soldiers started to move backwards. Rocket threw a grenade which fully made them retreat. "Good. Where's Rhodey?"

"He isn't picking up comms." Rocket said, holding a communication device. "But we have bigger problems."

Carol looked up to see multiple worms roaming around the atmosphere of the Earth. There were some worms flying beside the buildings to disperse some Chitauri.

"How many have you registered?" Carol asked, still looking up.

"Around thirty in the atmosphere. Seven roaming on our level." Rocket reported.

"You guys really lost air support, huh?" Carol said.

"I don't advise you to go up there, Danvers. If Thanos hits you with that blast again, you might get knocked out for good."

"Thanos? How did you know it was him?"

"Purple. Which stone is powerful enough to knock you out and is colour purple?"

"Oh... the Power stone." Carol nodded, "If Rhodey gets on, tell me. I'll try to clear the soldiers of the buildings." Carol went binary and flew up into the sky. She started flying from building to building.

On the street, Rocket and Nebula were waiting for Chitauri soldiers to attack them. They had held their ground for a solid twenty minutes until Carol woke up.

Meanwhile, running through the streets, is Rhodey. His earpiece was picking up the frequency of the other heroes. He wandered through the streets, trying to avoid the Chitauri. One thing he knew for sure was that he could contact F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, is there any suit that Tony could've possibly built that is functioning and ready to use?" Rhodey asked with desperation.

"Yes, he has Colonel Rhodes. It is still being built but could be used." F.R.I.D.A.Y. informed.

"Suit name?"

"Ultimate War Machine."

"Um... did I hear that correctly? Ultimate? Was there an ultimate in the name?"

"Yes, Colonel Rhodes. Mr. Stark did name the War Machine suit with ultimate."

"Oh my go-" Rhodey shook his head, "Fine, F.R.I.D.A.Y. Send in Ultimate War Machine."

After a few moments, black pieces of armour attached to his body. Finally, the headpiece attached and for a moment, Rhodey was in silence. Then the armour powered up and it was a completely new suit. The gaps in between the black plates were lit up with red neon. His right shoulder now had a laser beam and rockets added.

"Tony Stark, you are a generous man!" Rhodey shouted with happiness, hovering into the air.

He then saw Carol fighting off some Chitauri soldiers on a building. Rhodey unleashed his ammo on his wrists. Carol was surprised to who was helping her. She took a glance and Rhodey was flying through the air. Rhodey's mask was new as well. Instead of lines scattered through the face, it was completely flat.

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