Chapter 3

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—One Year after "The Decimation"—

Tony was sitting on the Benatar, looking into the stars. He was wearing one of Quill's red oversized shirts. They set a course to Earth which the ship is finding a problem to find. When Quill landed on Titan, they hit a rock on the way down which was their navigation system. They were merely just guessing the location of Earth.

Tony continued to try and fix the course of the ship while Nebula watched him. He scoffed when he saw Nebula staring at her.

"You know, ever since we left, we barely talked. You just watch me do things which is pissing me off. I have no one left to talk to but you and it seems like you don't care." Tony said, fixing the wires in the ship.

"I fought my father. I waited for that moment my entire life and he won." Nebula muttered.

"So you're blaming me now?" Tony annoyingly asked, "Far as I'm concerned, you watched Quill beat your father's ass without doing anything."

"I lost my sister!"

"And I'm about to lose everything I ever made!" Tony shouted, moving backwards once he said it, "Pepper Potts. You may not know her but I love that woman. I don't want to lose her."

"You won't lose her, Stark. She'll lose you." Nebula responded.

"Asshole." Tony muttered, throwing some useless wires to the side. He connected the wires together and a blurry hologram of Earth appeared, "Thank god."

"The Benatar was installed with a hyper-speed system. I just don't know how to operate it."

"Well you have to start finding out how to operate it or else we'll both die."

"I can live without oxygen. I can last six weeks without food and water. From what I can understand, you can only survive without it for five days. Oxygen in seconds."

"Then it will be a fun death for you because you get to see me die first." Tony sarcastically smiled at her, throwing his tools on the table and going to his corner of the ship.

On his corner, there was a small couch where he slept. His armour, which was heavily damaged from fighting Thanos, was built into a incomplete helmet. His jacket, which he used to control the nanites in the first place, was hanging on the wall. Everything else he needed was there. Food, water, and other Earth-related items were placed there.

Nebula rested on her sister's cavern. Gamora had a picture of herself on the wall. She was smiling, holding her sword while Quill and Drax were smiling from the background. It was the only thing she had left of her sister.

"I'm sorry," Nebula muttered, placing her hands on the face of Gamora, "I wanted to do more, but I couldn't. Our father is too strong. Please, help me find a way to stop him from balancing this universe again."

There was no response, which was obvious. A frown created on her face and she sat on her bed, thinking of Gamora. She died because of Nebula's suffering.

One Year And Seven Months after "The Decimation"

Steve was sitting on the hangar of HQ, looking at the logo of the Avengers. They were torn apart, there's no denying that. But the fact that they haven't talked in two years make it heart-breaking.

Steve could feel all the memories that happened. In the time that passed by, he even shaved his beard. Natasha had the same hairstyle like everyone else. One year had passed by and not a single step into solving this whole situation. Bruce and Thor had been searching for clues, staying up late at night. Natasha and Steve were usually the ones who went out to do some questioning. Rocket had to stay in the HQ because the media didn't need to know his existence. Rhodey had been dealing with the government on how to manage the country which is apparently a wasteland.

Earth is falling apart. Half of the workers are gone and production has slowly been coming in. The smaller countries have waged wars for resources and land. The bigger countries are the ones who keep a low profile, keeping their power safe.

Once Steve was done contemplating on the current situation on Earth, he stood up. He went to the kitchen where he thought he might see someone. He saw Rocket, eating some ham on the table.

"Enjoying the food?" Steve asked, sitting on front of Rocket.

"It will do for now." Rocket sighed, "How long do I have to stay here?"

"Until NASA can make you a spaceship." Steve chuckled, "We can't let the public see you."

"They've seen aliens and robots glide through the sky. A talking raccoon won't bother them much."

"But they will want questions out of you." Steve sighed. He looked around at the emptiness of the facility. It was just them who were staying there, no one else.

Suddenly Bruce came in with a cup of coffee and a smile on his face. When someone had a smile on their face means something great happened. They rarely smiled or laughed in the facility anymore.

"What are you smiling for?" Rocket asked, as Bruce went inside.

"I'm just smiling." Bruce answered annoyingly. "I'm just happy today."

"Well here's some news, junior. We haven't smiled since last year." Rocket grunted.

"Got to smile at least once a day." Bruce scoffed, "Even if half the damn universe disappeared and you still don't have a clue what happened."

Suddenly the lights went out and the whole building went dark. It was night time and they were in the middle of open fields. Rocket got out of his chair and went to his room for a flashlight. Bruce brought out his flashlight he always had and started aiming it around.

"What happened?" Steve asked, running towards the window.

"Why the hell are you asking me? I paid the bills for this month already." Bruce opened his phone, "Even though half of the universe is gone we're still paying bills here in 'o great America."

"Jokes. Really?" Steve rolled his eyes. He looked far into the distance where New York was. He could see some fire starting. "What the hell?"

A loud explosion went off and everyone was now alarmed. Natasha and Thor ran over to the kitchen to see the fire starting in New York. They all stared at Steve who was confused.

"What?" Steve asked.

"You are the leader right now." Natasha said, leaning on the glass.

"You've got to be kidding me." Steve shook his head, "Bruce, you stay here and watch over Rocket. Thor, Natasha, go with me. We'll investigate it."

"Is there anything else you want me to do besides watch the raccoon?" Bruce asked, as they started to walk to the armoury.

"Text Rhodey!" Natasha shouted.

"Alright!" Bruce turned around and started walking, "See Hulk, we're missing all the action."

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