Chapter 18

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Thor was the first one to wake up, as the ship was floating in the Quantum Realm. There were different types of colours flashing outside the ship, which meant they were near multiple time vortexes. He removed the airbag from his mouth and stood up. One step made a loud noise as Thor was heavy.

After a few moments, Bruce woke up to the sound Thor was making. He, as well, took off his airbag and looked at Thor. He was experiencing some nausea which was normal for a person entering the Quantum Realm.

"Shouldn't we be on land?" Thor asked, shakily moving.

"This is the first time we're using this, Thor. Of course there's going to be..." Bruce paused as he felt he wanted to throw up. He held it in and looked at Thor, "some malfunctions."

"And what are these problems we're having now?"

"We may have hit a roadblock but I'm not sure." Bruce fought through the pain in his head and stood up. He started to fix the coordinates on the front.

"Why aren't they awake?" Thor asked them.

"Because they haven't caught up to too much sleep."

"Is that supposed to be a joke?" Thor asked in a serious tone.

"No. That's really why they aren't waking up. This is the time for them to sleep." Bruce said. He grabbed a mic, "Clint, can you hear me?"

There was some static sounds coming from the other end of the signal. That meant that something hit the communication signals as they were shrinking. Their destination was close but they could easily be stuck in the Quantum Realm forever.

"This is Bruce Banner. Can you hear me, Clint?" Bruce repeated. "Thor, can you check the communication at the back."

Thor followed his command and went to the back of the ship. There was a panel which he opened so he could see how the communication was doing. There were two red lines beeping and one green stable line.

"There are, um... two red lines that are beeping." Thor said what he saw.

"I don't know how to fix that." Bruce answered back. He then remembered that he and Nebula used vibranium to fix that part. "Hit it."

"You want me to break our communication?"

"Just hit it for me, will ya?" Bruce said frustratingly.

Thor punched the communication panel which started to flicker different colours of light. After  a few seconds, it showed three green lines.

"You are smart, Banner." Thor chuckled in satisfaction. "Can you now talk to them?"

"Yes I can." Bruce grabbed the mic and tried to reach the others, "Clint, can you hear me now?"

"I can hear you Banner. What's stopping you from reaching your destination?" Clint asked, "Or are you really tired?"

"Not now, Clint." Bruce scoffed, "How are you holding up? Have you found a place to hide the device?"

"We're thinking about New York. How does that sound, doctor?" Clint asked sarcastically.

"Just get rid of the civilians inside." Bruce said and got the coordinates done, "I'll talk to you once we get to our destination."

"Good luck, doctor. Remember, you're the one who's job is on the line." Clint joked.

"Asshole." Bruce muttered.

—Somewhere in Space—

Thanos was sitting on a rock chair on a asteroid that he used from using the Reality stone. His army was preparing for the large battle that was about to happen on Earth. All he knew was that his mission wasn't finished. His mission at first was to balance the universe, but wiping out the Avengers may have turned to his new goal.

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