Chapter 10

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—Two Years after "The Decimation"—

Tony, Carol, Nebula, Clint, and Natasha entered the facility. Bruce, Thor, and Valkyrie were waiting inside the living room for their arrival. Tony was the first to enter and received a flood of cold air. Bruce ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"You must have missed me, Banner." Tony chuckled, letting go of the hug.

"Yeah. We really needed you." Bruce smiled, "By the way, you smell like shit."

"Well, a small ship doesn't have the kind of luxuries Earth provides you."

"It is good to see you, old friend." Thor smiled and hugged Tony.

"You too, point break." Tony said, patting Thor on the shoulder, "Random question. Have you grown more muscles."

"It must be how an Asgardian is born." Thor smirked. Thor looked behind Clint and Natasha and saw Carol and Nebula. "Is these your friends?"

"We have Carol Danvers and Nebula." Tony presented, "Carol helped me get out of space and Nebula kept me company."

"Thank you," Thor said looking at the two, "for keeping my friend safe."

"No problem." Carol smiled, "Anyways, it's been a while since I've been on Earth. I'll excuse myself for a moment."

Carol went outside to get a grasp of the planet she left so long ago. Nebula walked to the corner and started looking at what is inside the laboratory. The rest of the heroes sat on the couches for a moment.

"Clint, seems like you've gone some... changes." Tony carefully chose words, "Puberty?"

"Don't get too close, Stark. You ain't talking to the Clint you fought with and against three years ago." He said.

"Nice answer." Tony muttered. He looked at Natasha and he jokingly pointed at his hair, "Puberty too?"

"It's just my new style, Stark. You'll get to know my new moves once we start getting off our asses." Natasha said.

"Indeed. We need to start moving." Thor said, standing up, "As much as I want to keep on talking Stark, Bruce, Valkyrie, and I must leave for Hel."

"At least you know you're going to hell than heaven." Tony said.

"Not hell. It's Hel." Bruce said.

"I don't hear the difference Bruce. You have to spell it out."

"H-E-L. Hel." Bruce repeated.

"Oh... one l. I got you. So is that how Norse gods pronounce hell?" Tony joked.

"We'll be going." Thor said, walking out with Bruce and Valkyrie.

The three heroes went to the field and Thor used Stormbreaker to travel to Hel. That left Nebula, Tony, Natasha, and Clint inside the Avengers Headquarters.

"By the way..." Tony leaned closer to Natasha's ear, "How is Pepper? Is she ok?"

"It's been two years since you left, Tony. That's two years without you. The last time someone checked on her was two months ago..." Natasha whispered, "and Bruce checked on her. She said that she was 'holding up', but I don't believe her. She misses you, Tony. She really does."

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