Chapter 7

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—Two Years after "The Decimation"—

Tony shyly walked inside of the ship of Carol Danvers. It was very modernised with lights being the main theme of the ship. It was so bright that Tony's eyes were aching. It may have been because of the Benatar's darkness for six months straight.

Carol was making some food for Tony and Nebula. There was some cheese on the plate which confused Tony because as far as he knew, there was only cheese on Earth.

"Um... Ms. Danvers, why is ther-"

"You can call me Carol, Stark. I really don't mind." She smiled, while preparing the food.

"Carol." Tony stood up and walked up to her, "Are you from Earth or some other planet?"

"I'm from Earth." Carol chuckled and looked at him again, "But it's a long story. Abducted by aliens and they raised me. Came back to Earth to fight a war and after that I tried to live a peaceful life on another life."

"Let me guess. You were living a nice life until some of your love ones started fading away?"

"My cat faded away. Name was Goose. He was the only one living with me." Carol said, "You know, Nick Fury spoke fondly of you."

"Fury? As in Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"Yeah. We were friends when he was in his mid-career. He called me to find you." Carol smiled, "I'm sorry by the way, for not saving both of you quicker."

"It's better than dying." Nebula answered.

"True." Carol laughed. She placed the plate on front of Tony, "Eat, Tony. I know it's been two years since you had Earth food."

"Too long." Tony grabbed the cheese and started eating it, "I never knew I would crave for cheese in my entire life."

"Living in wealth? It wouldn't be a surprise." Carol chuckled, "So, since you are already here, we need to head back to Earth. Fury said no matter what, I have to get you back."

"So, was Fury still a wise-cracking man in his thirties?" Tony asked while chewing some cheese.

"He changed me. I was this woman lost in her personality, but he thought me how to be happy."

"Good for you. All he thought me was how to fix a farm vehicle." Tony chuckled, "How did you find us?"

"It took me one year and a half to find out about Titan. I've been searching the whole galaxy for you. Once I found out you weren't on Titan, I knew you wouldn't have gotten far."

"We didn't really make progress towards Earth."

"We were actually moving farther away from it." Nebula added.

"Look, Fury told me there was some help on Earth that we could use."

"What kind of help? Because all our help in Titan died." Tony said sadly.

"I know. You wouldn't be going against the biggest threat in the galaxy with only the two of you." Carol looked at the hologram of the universe on the table, "Earth. It's in the Milky Way and near a star you call Sun. Is that correct?"

"Yes." Tony muttered, drinking some of the water Carol provided, "Do you have a plan against Thanos? I'm just wondering."

"I have none. I can't fight Thanos alone but I can damn sure hold him off by myself." Carol stated, "So, do you trust me now?"

Tony glanced at Carol, "Now that you said that, yes."

"I can trust you, for now." Nebula said.

"At least I gained some of your trust." Carol said, walking towards the cockpit. "I'll be piloting for a while. You two can get some rest."

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