Chapter 19

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Clint was crouching on a rooftop in New York, trying to shoot down the worms that were flying around. Carol was stopping the worms from entering the atmosphere. Rhodey was flying around the island to help Clint with the worms.

"I got about four worms going around New York." Clint said on the comms.

"I got the two in Harlem!" Rhodey said in the mic. "There are two worms right behind you, might as well draw them towards me."

"At least gives me less problems." Clint said. He looked into the sky and Carol was still destroying the worms with ease. "Hey Danvers, how are you holding up?"

"I'm fine. Just help Rhodey with the worms, please." Carol said, going through two worms.

"Well," Clint smiled when he heard footsteps behind him, "Looks like I have myself a little dance."

Clint turned around with his sword at hand, and placed the sword on the person's throat. When he realized who it was, he laid down his sword.

"You should be more careful, Stark." Clint exclaimed, placing his sword on his sides.

"Don't give a crap." Tony said, moving closer to the edge, "I checked the facility, you guys weren't there. Where are they?"

"Well, we went as plan but instead of you, it was Scott." Clint said, grabbing some arrows from his bag, "You planning on helping?"

"No, I'm planning on going with them." Tony said, grabbing an extra mic from his bag, "Rocket, do you copy?"

"Stark, glad to hear you." Rocket joked, "You have any more devices you want to be built?"

"Funny, Rocket. But not now. Do we have an extra time device?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, we have a prototype in the lab along with four extra hand straps. You're planning to go alone?" Rocket asked.

"I'm planning to go with Clint, actually." Tony said, "I guess I'll see you later."

"With me? No way in hell I'm going with you." Clint said.

"C'mon, Clint. I don't have a suit to go there with." Tony said, grabbing his bag and placed it on his shoulder. "And besides, it's going to be exciting this time around."

"They need me, Stark. I'm telling them the routes and the worms." Clint said.

"You can take him, Stark." Carol said loudly on the mic, "I think Rhodey and I can handle the worms."

"You've got to be kidding, Danvers." Clint muttered, "Fine, let's go, Stark."

"That's the spirit, Legolas." Tony joked, opening the stairway door.

"So, what timeline did they go to?" Clint asked as they went down the long and dark stairway.

"They went to the time Fury decided to do the Avengers Initiative." Tony explained, "So about the time after the ballroom fight."

—A few years before "The Decimation"–

The Avengers saw flashes of light and in a few seconds later, they were crashing through a thick forest. There were many rocks that managed to hit the ship. They were slowing down and they managed to not slide off a small cliff. They were about fifteen meters from falling from a great height.

The people inside were hurt. None of them sustained major injuries and the ship wasn't spilling any flammable material. Steve stood up and crawled out of the ship first. It was midnight and there were many birds flying away from the crash site. Scott was the second one to find a exit.

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