Chapter 25 (Alternate)

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Steve, shield in hand, ran over to Natasha and Clint to help them defend. He started to help push back the Chitauri more effectively with the shield. Clint focused on the soldiers who were on the high areas. The piles of rubbles were being used by the soldiers to snipe them out.

Thor and Hulk were destroying the waves of soldiers, combining their strengths. Hulk grabbed a piece of metal and threw it at the soldiers. Thor shot thunder on the metal to add another factor to it. It took down a group of Chitauri chargers.

Tony was shooting his way through the groups of soldiers going to the ship. He launched a dozen rockets which paved the way for Scott to regroup with the others.

"What's up guys?" Scott asked, taking a breather when he reached the group.

"I still predict a thousand Chitauri." Clint said, grabbing some arrows off the corpse of some of the dead soldiers.

"Sounds like a long shot." Scott said, looking into the distance. There were hundreds of Chitauri still running towards them, "Maybe a hundred thousand more?"

"Sounds about right." Natasha placed her batons on her back. She approached Tony, "How are we doing?"

"Alright. We're breezing right through." Tony joked, grabbing some shrapnel off his armour. "The three of us can handle here. Just keep on pushing them."

"Steve?" Natasha asked.

Steve looked at Natasha and Scott, "Let's go!"

Steve, Natasha, and Scott rushed towards the other side of the battle and started destroying the other Chitauri soldiers. Steve was using his shield to block the Chitauri soldiers shot. Clint joined them in the battle with his sword.

"What's the plan here?" Clint asked, slicing two Chitauri soldiers in half.

"Keep on pushing them away from Stark!" Steve commanded.

Thanos emerged in the battlefield, on the other side. He was wearing his full armour, gauntlet on his left and spear on the right. He was amused at the battle that was unfolding upon him, so he sat down on pieces of rubble and watched.

"Steve!" Natasha called, "Look who's watching."

Steve saw Thanos in the distance, smirking, "Don't focus on him, focus on the battle."

"Your call." Natasha scoffed, continuing to dismantle the Chitauri.

Tony and Thor were destroying the Chitauri. Thor was using his Stormbreaker effectively and Tony was unleashing the blasts of the Power stone upon the waves of Chitauri soldiers. There were cannons lining up towards them and Tony noticed.

"Bruce you going to take care of them or not?" Tony asked.

"I'm working on it!" Hulk shouted, struggling against the Chitauri soldiers with rockets.

The cannon shot Tony which sent him back a few feet. Thor gathered thunder into his Stormbreaker and unleashed it towards the waves. The cannon exploded and Thor looked at Tony.

"You could've done that earlier, man." Tony shook his head and checked his armour, "F.R.I.D.A.Y, how's the damage?"

"Suit is at 92%, boss."

"That's just great." Tony sighed, "Thanks Thor."

Steve was getting closer and closer to Thanos and he still wasn't moving. Scott, who was providing help beside Steve, realized that their other plan could work.

"Scott..." Steve called, walking over to Scott while knocking out the other Chitauri, "You remember the other plan?"

"Which one? You briefed me on six other plans." Scott hesitatingly said.

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