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—Many Years after "The Sacrifice"—

Quill was sitting in the Benatar, reading a book that he managed to snatch from a planet not far away. It was nearing Gamora's death anniversary. They were near Earth, floating right beside it. They were preparing for a feast in the ship later that day to celebrate all the memories they had.

"You seem to be enjoying that book." Rocket said, wiping his hands from the dirt.

"Yeah. I got it from some guy's shop. It's pretty good." Quill said.

"It'll be alright." Rocket patted Quill on the back, "Everyone did their best."

Quill sighed, "Have you picked up any signal?"

"Still no signal. That portal won't be opening and I'm pretty sure Nebula won't find any food she can eat there." Rocket explained, "It was a pretty wasteland."

"Well, it's better if we try." Quill stood up and walked towards the ship. Drax was on the front seat, snoring.

Groot was checking the ship's defenses and Mantis reading the radar. Quill seemed amused at that sight.

"Mantis, any calls which needs the Guardians of the Galaxy?" Quill asked with a smile.

"I seem to pick up a call for help in a outer planet of Hala. They say Kree soldiers are abusing the natives." Mantis informed.

"I am Groot." Groot said.

Quill nodded and pretended he understood him. "Alright, let's do what we do best, guardians."

"After we wake Drax up." Rocket noted.


In one of Wakanda's ceremonies, they were celebrating the anniversary of the day the universes were joint once again. They were also celebrating a historic day in Wakandan history. They were finally going to help the world using a new engine that could run without using any fuel.

T'Challa was standing backstage, preparing his ceremonial robe. There were people putting on his makeup. Hundreds of people from other nations from around the world were watching. He needed to look good.

"Ah, my king." Okoye smiled, "You look beautiful today."

"Very funny, Okoye." T'Challa chuckled at her joke, "Very historic day, isn't it general?"

"Very historic indeed. The king of Wakanda came back from the unknown a few years ago. The whole nation as well."

"I live for these occasions." T'Challa nodded at the things that had happened the past few years. "I didn't know the Avengers would be so generous to give us a infinity stone."

"They are always generous, my king. They never seem to stop giving." Okoye smiled.

"Are my two scientists ready?" T'Challa asked.

"They are."

T'Challa walked on stage which made the crowd give him a loud applause. He waved his hand once he reached the podium, smiling at all the audience members.

"Welcome. Friends, brothers, sisters. We are very happy that you could join us today. Today is the anniversary of the sacrifice. The sacrifice that brought us back together once more." T'Challa said which made the crowd break into another applause, "Not only that, we are here to change history. Vehicles and machines that do not require fuel. Two of my best scientists are here to answer questions. First, my sister, Shuri!"

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