Chapter 8

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—Two Years after "The Decimation"—

Scott was lying down in the living room, waiting for someone to talk to. Bruce and Rocket were still working on their little project in the lab and Steve and Natasha were still in Japan. He was getting bored so he started looking around.

He went into the hangar where there were four jets placed. One of the slots were empty which was the one Steve and Natasha took. There was a hallway passing through it and into the main lobby. There wasn't anyone working but the waterfall and plants were still fresh, like no one has touched.

There was many things to like about the facility. He gazed outside the green field and dark forest. But there was a small room just behind the conference room. It was heavily advance but he entered it anyways. He opened one of the suits and a Iron Man model appeared.

"What the hell?" Scott muttered, looking at the model.

"I advise you not to touch it, Mr. Lang, as it is a work-in-progress." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

"Progress? Who's working on the suit?"

"Mr. Stark is working on the suit. In his absence, I have been tasked to secure it."

"Interesting." Scott moved back and took another look, "Now, can you be real with me? I know you're an AI and don't display any feelings, but... do you think Stark will come back here?"

"I don't believe so, Mr. Lang. I have no contact with him ever since Mr. Stark has left Earth."

"Well, there's always some way Tony Stark could find himself out of situations." Scott sighed and looked into the suit's eyes, "This may be one of those situations."

"Mr. Lang, I believe Captain Rogers And Agent Romanoff have arrived." F.R.I.D.A.Y. reported.

"Really?" Scott peeked outside and saw the Quinjet landing, "Are they the only ones who arrived?"

"I believe I have registered Agent Barton's heartbeat."

"This is going to be fun." Scott muttered, fixing his shirt.


Thor used the old ship near Nidavellir which belonged to Rocket. He started to venture off into places where he thought that the Asgardians could be hiding. His first guess would be Vanaheim because it was the place Valkyrie told him they were going to hide in. There was enough land for Asgardians to set up camp. Once Thor thought of it, he flew towards Vanaheim.

There weren't too many stars on the way to the place. It was infinite space where Thor was travelling through. There was enough food to last for a week but he knew he would find them in a matter of hours.

When he arrived at Vanaheim, there was a abundance of fields and crops being picked. This may be because of Thanos's chaos. More and more planets are struggling with the loss of half of their population. Everybody there is struggling.

Thor landed in one of the villages and walked around for a little. There was some people looking at him strangely which Thor ignored. He walked up to a merchant and kindly asked for the Asgardians.

"Good morning, kind sir." Thor smiled, entering the shop, "Quite the shop you have here."

"Well it's one of a kind in this village located in Vanaheim." The merchant happily said.

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