Chapter 14

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—Two Years and Three Months after "The Decimation"—

On a Tuesday morning, Steve and Scott were playing chess in the living room. Tony had been sleeping in his room for eleven hours after working on the time device for two days straight. Natasha, Carol, Rocket, Clint, and Nebula were all doing their own activities outside of the facility.

After several moves were done between the opposing sides, the doorbell rang. Steve and Scott stopped playing and stood up to answer the door together. When they opened it, a worried Valkyrie and Bruce stepped inside.

"It's been a while since we've seen you, Banner. What have you been up to?" Steve asked, as Bruce and Valkyrie hurried inside.

"Intergalactic space shit." Bruce said as if he was traumatised. "That isn't the point. The point is we can't find Thor."

"Thor?" Steve asked and looked at Valkyrie, "What happened?"

"Thor? The tall, good-looking guy?" Scott asked and they all nodded, "Sad to hear."

"We've been spending almost three months in Oklahoma, gathering what soldiers we found from the Asgardian refugees. Three days ago, we couldn't find him in." Valkyrie informed.

"Was there a place he said he was going to go or something related to that?" Steve asked once again.

"Nothing. He didn't say anything about going anywhere." Valkyrie sighed, "But the past few month he has been talking about destroying a peaceful palace."

"Palace. Palace." Scott continued to repeat himself, "Yeah, nothing comes into mind."

"Thanos. He's been living in exile." Steve said, "Peaceful. That's what I learned from Nebula. He always wanted to live in peace once he was finished."

"And where can we find this peaceful palace of his?" Valkyrie asked.

"Are there any missing ships at your place?"

"Yeah. The one Thor's using. That's what he probably used to go to Thanos's palace."

"We need to borrow one of your ships." Steve said. Valkyrie nodded and left the building to get back to Asgard. He looked at Bruce, "Once Valkyrie gets back, I need you to track Thor's ship."

"I can do that." Bruce said and looked inside the lab, "Did you chan-"

"Stark said not to question it." Steve said and Bruce did not reply. He then looked at Scott, "You stay here with Nebula. I'm bringing Natasha, Clint, Carol, and Rocket."

"No, I want to go with you, Cap. Just one mission, man." Scott complained.

"I need someone to watch over Stark and Nebula. They're both exhausted from whatever the hell they're making. Banner needs to work on the tracker. Just one mission, Scott." Steve pleaded, "The next important mission that comes up, you'll be in it."

"Fine." Scott muttered and slowly walked towards the bedrooms to inform the heroes.

—Unnamed Planet—

Thor was standing in silence as the ship door opened. Light consumed the dark corners of the ship and vegetation could be seen immediately. Thor tried to calm himself down. There were some beautiful plants awaiting for him outside so he slowly, and sluggishly walked outside the ship.

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