Chapter 9

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—Two Years after "The Decimation"—

After a few hours of sleeping, Tony woke up and approached the cockpit of Carol's ship. She was leaning on her chair, her feet up on the controls, and hands in the air.

"Seems like you're resting up quite well, Captain." Tony chuckled as he sat beside Carol.

"For someone who hasn't been on Earth for about 24 years." Carol said while her eyes were closed. She was really resting well, "I left Earth in 1995 and lived in a planet to rest for about... 22 years."

"You deserve a welcome party. Too bad not a lot of people on Earth remember you." Tony said, "I heard about you. I went through some S.H.I.E.L.D. files back in the day and they said you were their greatest soldier."

"Soldier." Carol chuckled at the thought, "Let's be clear, I never worked for Fury's army. I was there to end something that my birth place didn't deserve."

"They confirmed alien species in 1995. It's in the classified files of the CIA. I checked it in Korea." Tony smiled, "I bet you never visited that place."

"Didn't know it existed." Carol chuckled, "I really need to know my Earth geography."

"At least you know some Earth words. Not natural someone is taken from an alien species and learned from them." Tony smiled when Carol looked at him, "I read your file."

"Well, Coulson did his research very well."

"Coulson? As in the Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D?" Tony asked.

"Yeah. He was working with Fury at that time." Carol said. "If you believed it, Fury was supposed to retire before I came. Their was no reason to continue, until he found out about superohero beings."

"We belong to fairytales. We just went out of a comic book." Tony sighed, "A man in a suit of armor is the farthest I ever thought, until I found out Norse Gods and green-rage monsters existed."

"And you I am basically one of the strongest beings in the universe." Carol said and Tony scoffed, "You just haven't seen me yet."

"I'm quite excited." Tony chuckled.

A hologram appeared on front of them showing a model of the galaxy. It zoomed in on the sun and highlighted Earth.

"You will be arriving at your destination in 20 minutes. Hyper-Drive slowing down." The computer announced.

"Get ready." Carol said, "It's time to come home."

"I am not ready for this." Tony sighed and stood up, "Nebula! We're almost on Earth! Get your guns ready!"

—Avengers Headquarters—

Steve and Scott were sitting in the living room, playing some cards. Bruce and Rocket were still working on a device for time manipulation and Natasha and Clint were taking a walk outside.

While they were playing some cards, there was a knock outside the door. Steve and Scott stopped and looked at each other. They kept silent and placed their cards on the table. Steve slowly walked towards the door while Scott went to call Rocket. Steve checked through the glass door but only saw Thor standing along one of his friends. Steve opened the door and greeted them.

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