
688 23 16

OK so imma ignore my dad bc why the fuckety fuck not. So we have accomplished something huge guys. Something gigantic. Something amazing. Something gay. Something that makes me freak the fuck out. Y'all ready for this shit?

Guys it's gay! It's  69 followers! Huzah! Good job people! We are at 69 followers! I bet the 69th was gay! Ok if your gay comment it bc I wanna know who the gays are X3! Ok so have a good night ily all! Au Revoir!

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Guys it's gay! It's  69 followers! Huzah! Good job people! We are at 69 followers! I bet the 69th was gay! Ok if your gay comment it bc I wanna know who the gays are X3! Ok so have a good night ily all! Au Revoir!

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