Why Move?

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It always took awhile for her emotions to hit. She had theorized it was a survival mechanism, to allow her to deal rationally with whatever situation had presented itself. She could then break down in a safer environment.

Although she didn't consider this man's house to be safe. She kept her face buried in her pillow. Its fabric was soft but stained from hours of tears. She didn't eat much. Her captor came up once himself to threaten her, trying to get her to eat, but she felt so listless; he could've killed everyone in the world right then and she wouldn't have cared.

She had been so excited. She'd always wanted to live in another country and she loved Korean pop culture. She loved the sound of the language, although she couldn't speak much. It was going to be a challenge, something to grow her. She had imagined making friends, going with them to see museums and historical sights. She'd wanted to participate in language exchanges and just create her own life. She loved her parents' but her Dad was a little overbearing. She hadn't felt like she could truly own her life unless she lived a good geographic distance from him.

She loved her family but she'd simply exchanged one master for another. Marriage? It was something she wanted nothing to do with. She had encountered very few happy and married couples. Everyone always seemed happier after they'd divorced.

But now she was in a life-long contract, married to a man she didn't know. She couldn't even remember his name, she'd been too frazzled to pay attention when they'd met. She couldn't say anything or contact her family. Even with the contract, it wouldn't be good for business if word of the deal came out. It had to look voluntary.  She wasn't entirely sure what the whole purpose of the marriage was but she had a flat lack of curiosity. She wouldn't ask. If it was at all possible, she would get out of it.

People came in and out of her room to try and cheer her up but she felt like there was a permanent rock resting on her chest and wouldn't move with them there. She had worked so hard to change her mindset from the moody one of her puberty years to the positive one of a young woman. But that attitude was taking a beating in the face of all this. She couldn't see a way out of the situation. There was no glimmer of hope.

She was in a country she didn't know, with a language she didn't understand, for a purpose she was ignorant on.

Why move?

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