Attack: Y/N

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It was set. Mr. Lee was currently waiting for the various supervisors she had put on her list to file into the meeting room. He was texting her updates every couple minutes. Each was being handed a packet listing various unflattering data, data that would embarrass them if it got out. This would ensure they all went quietly. Most of them would, hoping to preserve at least some monetary value for their shares. But they'd want to sell as soon as the newly appointed company press officer released the statement she had written.

She wanted to be there, she wanted to see the looks on their faces. But she couldn't do it anymore. She'd been running on little to no sleep for almost three and a half weeks. Her sore throat hadn't gone away and she had had an elevation for several days, not to mention the constant puking. Mr. Lee had assured her he would handle things, it was time for her to take care of herself. And that meant a visit to the doctor.

She tapped her nail rhythmically on the car door. If they had just waited several more days...with all her symptoms she felt sure it couldn't possibly be pregnancy, just the flu. But her irrational side kept saying "what if, what if". If there was going to be a child that would have an influence on the final divorce documents.  BigHit had been notified and was standing by to receive them and give them to her husband as soon as they were finalized.

She could feel freedom within her grasp. This time, this time she would keep it. She would never let a man corner her again. She was done with being caged, she was going to be the only one running her life. She tried not to think about Yoongi, his smile, his care. It made her angry. It felt like her mind was trying to trick her into staying caged. She wasn't going to stand for it.


After the checkup she sat quietly in the examination room, waiting for the doctor to come back. Her heart was hammering in her chest, even though she constantly told herself she had nothing to worry about.

She sat up straight when the doctor reentered.

"Well you definitely have the flu. You're dehydrated and sleep-deprived. I don't think you really need medication, you need rest and water."

"That's it?" She felt relief spread across her chest and she exhaled heavily, feeling like a weight lifted of her shoulders.

"No, actually. There's another reason you need to rest."


"Congratulations, Mrs. Min. You are expecting."


Y/N felt like she was in a daze as she walked back to the waiting car, one security guard ahead of her, one behind. Nothing seemed real. Escape...there would never be escape...she couldn't think. She felt light-headed.

Her thoughts were so inward focused she didn't hear the yell. She didn't see the figures pop up from behind several waiting cars.

"There she is!"


She saw the guard in front of her turn back to her but he was hit from the side, down and out.

She blinked, trying to get her sluggish thoughts to move faster and process what she was seeing.

That hesitation, that lack of processing, was all that was needed. She felt something heavy slam into her side and weakly tried to raise her arm to protect herself.

"FUCKING SLUT!" A hard, heavy object rammed into her face, sending shock-waves of pain through her skull. She couldn't even gasp, the breath had been knocked out of her. She could see dark objects moving above her and distantly felt something come down on her leg and a sharp kick to her stomach. There was yelling, there was screaming, she tried to raise her hand to protect her face, she tried to roll to protect her aching stomach, but her limbs wouldn't respond.

And Y/N decided she just didn't care anymore. Every time she fought it was a losing game. Maybe it was time to fully give up.

As she drifted off into darkness her phone pinged. An update from Mr. Lee. One she couldn't respond to.

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