Attack: Yoongi

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Yoongi's POV

They were all crammed into his hotel room and he sat, feet planted in front of him, leaning forward and hanging on every word. Jimin gently rubbed circles in his back, trying to loosen the tense muscles. Jungkook had his arm through his and was holding his hand.  A mass firing had just been announced at Y/N's company. Stock shares had dropped significantly and the investors were panicking, starting to sell.

All eyes were turned towards a young man, nodding at the reporters in front of him, speaking curtly and with force. Questions were flung at him about the firings but he ignored them.

"I will not be answering any questions on that today. This press conference has one purpose and one purpose only. As many of you know, our Chairman currently lays in the hospital. As of right now, he has still not woken up. Thanks to his family ties our company has had excellent leadership." he paused, letting that sink in. Dropping stock shares, excellent leadership? Yoongi's hands were together, gripping tightly. "However, unfortunately that family tie was not obtained through consensual means." There was a buzz from the reporters. A few indiscernible questions were yelled out. "Our Chairman, while he may have excellent business sense, has demonstrated a complete lack of ethics in his attempts to further the company's interests. His nephew, Min Yoongi, and niece-in-law, Min Y/N, were forced into marriage. Neither wished it, both were threatened to make it happen." The buzz was louder. "Due to this demonstrated lack of ethics, in addition to the recent firings, the Chairman has been removed from his position." Yoongi inhaled and exhaled deeply.

There. Done. Now people could stop calling Y/N a gold-digging snake. Now he could go on vLive and finally set those fans making an unnecessary commotion straight.

"Does this mean a divorce is in the works?" Yoongi froze, waiting for the answer.

"The Mins would appreciate it if you respected their privacy at this time. That is all, thank you." Yoongi looked down. He knew a statement from BigHit was being released, corroborating what had just been said. He started to stand up, he needed space to breathe...

"She played her cards well. She completely killed the stocks." Jin said quietly, watching the ticker at the bottom of the news story. Yoongi was looking towards his bedroom, he just wanted to sleep and forget about all this...

"Suga-hyung!" Jungkook grabbed his arm, his face white, staring at the TV. Yoongi turned back and felt his stomach drop.

Prominent Idol's Wife Attacked Outside Medical Facility

It was live on the scene. A police officer was pushing the reporter back but he saw...he saw...Y/N was unconscious, her face swollen and bloody, being loaded up in an ambulance. He dry swallowed. No. No, no, no...

He felt his knees hit the floor as he stared in horror at the TV, the image of her limp body replaying before his eyes over and over again.

It was at that moment he realized it didn't matter what had happened, how they had come together. What mattered was the here and now. And here and now he loved her. No matter what baggage they carried, he would choose it any day. He'd rather bear it than lose her.

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