Hoseok Thinks It's a Girl

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Yoongi's POV

"I'm not an invalid, I can stand..." Ignoring her protests, Yoongi gently lifted her from the bed into the wheelchair, earning himself a dirty look. Y/N had been insistent that she didn't need any help, that she was as good as new, fit as a fiddle...

Yeah he wasn't buying it. He knew she felt guilty about their delayed concerts. And probably uncomfortable with all the attention he was showering her with, especially since he wasn't required to anymore. But he didn't care. The doctors had said she needed to take it easy, even if her life wasn't currently in danger. She'd still be healing for at least six weeks and, even though the baby was fine right now, there was the risk she could still miscarry.

At first he'd wanted to bring her with him but the doctors had vetoed travel for another month, something he find frustrating. He wanted to be the one by her side, he wanted to be the one she was relying on. Instead he'd hired a temporary live-in nurse. Once he got back she, he'd made sure the nurse was female, wouldn't be necessary but he had images of something happening and Y/N being unable to get help if someone wasn't around.

He'd tried to get her to agree to take the nurse everywhere, Taehyung had mentioned Mark had stopped in. But now that she wasn't being made to do things under the threat of death, Y/N was being frustratingly stubborn. He didn't want to push it, he didn't want her to see him as yet another version of his uncle, but gosh damn it would this woman not listen to reason?!

She stopped protesting as he wheeled her out to the car where Hoseok was. The rest of the band was practicing, they'd stopped in earlier to see how she was doing and saying good-bye before taking off. Tomorrow their flight left and they wanted to be in tip-top shape. It had been an unexpected vacation, despite the circumstances they appreciated the rest, but everyone was ready to get back to work.

Before he could lock the wheels she was standing up on shaky legs, reaching for the door.

"Morning, Y/N!"

"Morning, Hoseok." She smiled as Yoongi wrapped his arm around her waist and gently helped her into the passenger seat.

"Are you going to miss us?" She smiled and rested her head back, already feeling tired from the exertion. This was something else Yoongi was worrying about, she tired easily. He knew it was normal after her kind of surgery but it seemed...like she should be recovering faster than she was. Or maybe he was just being a stereotypical, worry-wart father.

Father. He chewed his lip unconsciously as he pushed the wheelchair back into the hospital and then climbed into the back seat. He had thought he wouldn't be a father until way after his 30th birthday. In theory he'd always wanted a kid or two with his, at the time, future wife. Now that it was reality, he found himself questioning if he'd be a good dad. He wasn't too concerned with whether or not he wanted the kid. Y/N and he had made it, that was good enough. But being a father was an enormous responsibility and sometimes he felt like he couldn't even raise his dongsaengs right. Although maybe having six uncles plus his biological brother would keep the kid from being screwed up by any mistakes he might make.

"Deh, you guys kept me from being bored at the hospital. I'm sorry for being such a burden but I appreciate that still."

"You're no burden, Y/N. You're one of us now. Besides, how could any of us be mad at the woman giving us a niece?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows.

"How do you know it's going to be a girl?" Hoseok shot him a teasing grin.

"I have a feeling right here." He placed his hand over his heart.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Hobi." Hoseok had already asked him what gender he preferred and he honestly didn't care. He felt like he would be more confident raising a son but a girl would probably look more like Y/N and...actually that might be bad. If his daughter was that gorgeous he'd be constantly worrying about other men taking advantage of her.


Yoongi was meeting the nurse at the apartment and then he and Hoseok would leave for practice. He didn't want to but he also didn't want to overdo it on stage and hurt himself. That wouldn't be fair to anyone else.

"If anything happens call." Y/N was sitting on the couch, eyeing the books he'd brought out for her. She'd been meaning to get to them but had been too busy. Now she'd have time. She looked up at him and nodded. "I mean it." He insisted, crouching down in front of her and taking her hand. "Don't do that thing where I don't hear from you, deh?" She smiled a little and nodded, more reassuringly this time.

"Okay, I will.  Won't.  I'll call." He looked at her for a moment and then kissed her forehead.

"I'll be back tonight. Take it easy." He gave the nurse a pointed look before leaving. He'd better not come back and find his wife had overexerted herself.

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