She Dances

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Yoongi's POV

His practice session was hard that day and he threw himself into it, trying to distance himself from his thoughts. His bandmates noticed but said nothing. They'd all been relieved to find out Y/N was okay, Yoongi's behavior had worried them.

He stayed to work a bit with Namjoon on a song but today was an easier day for composition so it went quickly. He was going to nap at the band's apartment but an image of Mark possibly at his apartment, tutoring and coaxing a smile out of Y/N popped into his head. Assuming Mark still wanted to tutor after how he'd been treated. He didn't reflect on why it bothered him, just decided to head home.

He heard music when he walked in. He didn't see Mark and that brought him some satisfaction, although again he didn't let himself reflect on why that was.

Where was that music coming from? He followed the sound to the family room, where his wife was dancing. He hesitated for a second but she was so focused and wasn't looking anywhere near the door. He decided to indulge his curiosity and leaned against the doorjamb. It was only fair after all, Y/N had watched him dance in the hotel room all those weeks ago.

It looked like she was stuck on a move, trying over and over. Finally she stopped and picked up the remote, stopping the music and huffing in frustration. She ran her fingers through her hair and then sighed, again not sounding happy. She turned around and froze. He had been about to leave but he stopped when her eyes landed on him. He gave her a weak smile, feeling embarrassed. But then he realized Y/N was embarrassed too. Obviously, this wasn't something she wanted him to see since she'd been doing it while he was out.

"What are you working on?" He decided to let his curiosity win and stepped inside the room.

"Did you just get done?" She ignored his question but he nodded anyway. Her phone was in the stereo and he saw one of his band's songs on pause. He looked back at her and, to his surprise, she was blushing.

"Trying to learn the dance?" He asked, attempting to put her at ease. She nodded. "I didn't know you listened to our music." He said, coming to stand next to her and taking a position.

"You have no idea how much it's helped me." He almost didn't catch that as she slowly dropped into position next to him. He held out his hand for the remote. She looked away but finally handed him the remote.

He restarted the song and began moving through the choreography. He felt her eyes on him but he forced himself to focus, trying not to think about that. She was trying to follow him.

"This is the part I'm having problems with." Y/N tried to show him. She didn't do it correctly but he was able to tell which part it was. He demonstrated it slowly and she tried to copy him. After a couple times though she blew out her breath in frustration and furiously ran her fingers through her hair, something he realized was a nervous/calming gesture for her.

"Hey." He said softly, not liking to see her this worked up over something so insignificant. She was way too hard on herself but he wasn't sure if it was actually cuz she kept messing up or if this was just the outlet for something else. Before either of them really knew what he was doing he had stepped behind her and taken her hands, placing them on her waist. He covered them with his and slowly guided Y/N properly through the part, using his knee to move hers at the end. He let go and she tried it again, getting it right this time. He smiled a little and playfully clapped. She smiled too and turned around, meeting his eyes before they both looked away from each other. Neither could stop thinking about what he had just done. He quickly left for the shower after mumbling something about how they should do this again sometime.


"She's been crying every night since I got back but she won't tell me what's wrong."

"What do you think it is?" Hoseok asked as he played the beat back for the 100th time.

"Whatever she and my uncle talked about. She still hasn't told me what she said to get him to let up bit."

"Hmmm." Yoongi gave him the side-eye.

"What's that 'hmmm'?"


"It's something, what is it?"

"You're just very concerned, that's all."

"She's my responsibility."

"Mmhmm." Hoseok didn't sound convinced and Yoongi found that irritating.

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