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Yoongi's POV

Y/N was in the kitchen, looking through the cupboard, trying to decide what to eat when Yoongi walked in, hair damp from his shower.  Her back was to him and he smiled, walking up behind her and gently running his hand over her slight bump and bending down to kiss her ear.

"Good morning."  He murmured.  She turned, gave him a tentative smile, and gently removed his hand before quickly walking out of the kitchen.

"Good morning!"  He heard her call from the living room.  He frowned.  That was weird.


They had the boys over for a movie night and, instead of sitting next to him, Y/N had squeezed herself in between Jimin and Jungkook.  Despite the wide open seat next to Yoongi that the boys had left her.  Jin raised his eyebrows and shot Yoongi a look but Yoongi wasn't looking at him, just chewing his lip thoughtfully.  Jimin slid his arm around Y/N and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Did you make Y/N mad?"  Jin asked Yoongi later when he'd gotten up to go to the bathroom.  Jin had followed.

"No....not that I'm aware of."  Yoongi shrugged it off.  He was just happy that he got to see her every day.

But it was weird.


Taehyung had gotten back from visiting his family, which made him miss them more.  Which meant he wanted cuddles or a distraction.  So when Jimin had something to do he begged Yoongi and Y/N to come shopping with him, telling them they had to get out of the house.  Yoongi had agreed because Y/N was excited by the idea.  At the exclusive clothing store they were in he'd tried gently sliding his arm around her shoulders but she'd shrugged him off.  He frowned.

He wandered off on his own for a bit, puzzling over her behavior, but stopped when he came back to see Y/N and Taehyung discussing the quality of a shirt and...Taehyung's hand resting gently on her shoulder.  Yoongi stopped, just watching.  And an unsettling thought began to creep in.  Was this....had she already made her decision?

Her behavior was weird.


Although they were still on break, the boys went back to the studio to record songs.  For Yoongi this was a hobby as well as his job so he didn't feel like it intruded on his personal life.  Y/N sometimes came with him.

Yoongi was a little grumpy.  He'd tried to cuddle with her the night before and touch her belly and she'd complied for a bit but then rolled over, saying she was tired and needed to sleep.  He'd shoved down his worst thoughts and chose to believe that what she'd said was true.  But he was starting to feel like they weren't connected.  Like they were distant from each other.  Like she was withdrawing.  And, though he tried to fight it, he was starting to become scared.

He knew what would happen would happen, but the fear still wrapped around his heart like a vice when she walked in with him and got swept up in Jin's big hug and laugh while Yoongi stood to the side, just quietly watching.  Watching Jin ask her if he could and then getting to run his hand over her bump, cooing about being an uncle.  Something that, when Yoongi did it, always resulted in her pulling away from him.

Mentally, he traced it back to the night he'd walked in on her.  He wondered briefly if she was mad about that.  Holding that against him.  He knew she'd seen what he'd tried to hide from her.  But that didn't make any sense...if there was one thing she was good at, it was telling him when he'd done something to offend her.  He appreciated that he didn't have to guess.  Or he hadn't had to before.

Her behavior was weird.  And he felt hurt.


They were at BigHit's office.  Y/N was readying to sign her company over to Lee so she was a little busy but still had plenty of time to accompany him.

They got to touch her.  And he didn't get to do any of that. Everyone but her own husband could be close to her. He didn't blame his brothers but it was still irksome. He tried to tell himself he was glad she was getting affection from somewhere but he knew it was a lie. He wanted it to be from him and it hurt, yes it hurt, that he was the only one who couldn't.

It reached its boiling point one evening. He'd had enough. He'd been in the recording studio and the song wasn't coming together right. It just didn't satisfy him. He knew he was probably being too picky but picky was what had got them to the top of the charts. So he was annoyed by that. And then he walked out to find Jungkook and send him in to record while he took a break and...

Y/N was leaning up against Hoseok on the couch, one of his arms wrapped around her belly, his other hand gently running its fingers through her hair. Yoongi stopped. He just stopped. He should be doing that. He should be the one touching her. He should be the one cuddling her. He hadn't talked to any of them about it so there was no way they knew it bothered him but at that moment it didn't matter. He felt mad. He was mad.

Hoseok looked up a grin on his face, Yoongi's name on his lips, but his smile faded when he saw Yoongi's expression and turned into one of concern.

"Suga-hyung, is the recording not going well?" Yoongi glared daggers at him, leaving Hoseok utterly confused until his friend spoke.

"Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her. Right now." Hoseok hadn't heard that tone in a long time but he'd never forget it. His hands were up and held palm facing outward.

"Okay, okay..." Y/N's eyes had opened but she didn't have a chance to open her mouth before Yoongi grabbed her by the wrist and hauled her to her feet and towards the hallway.

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