Would You Stay With Her?

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Warning: Mature!

Yoongi's POV

He put it off 'til two days before he was supposed to leave. Taehyung stayed with him to help him set up and the others took her to a museum to get her mind off things.

"How are you doing, hyung?" Taehyung asked him as he helped his band-mate set the table. Yoongi didn't reply at first.

"I've not thought about it much, honestly. She's taken it very hard. I actually wonder if she's had some kind of...trauma, or something. She said stuff before that makes me think...but I don't know." He tried cracking a joke. "Most women would kill to have sex with me." Taehyung patted his back. "I'm worried about her, I guess."

"If it ever ended, would you stay with her?" Yoongi was quiet again.

"I'm not sure. She's a good person. She's fun to be around. I think we're very compatible. She's beautiful. She's smart." He looked at Taehyung. "It's been nine months and she's speaking Korean pretty decently. But...that's all tainted by this whole thing." He gestured vaguely and shrugged. "I don't know. We'll see if I ever get the chance to decide. Doesn't matter right now."


"Take care of Yoongi-hyung. He's not as tough as he looks." Jimin squeezed Y/N's hands and gave her a reassuring smile. Yoongi stood at the door, all dressed up in black jeans and a white polo.

"Good luck." Jin clapped him on the shoulder.

She reluctantly turned to look at him after they watched his band-mates leave with various heart gestures and thumbs up thrown their way. Tonight you are just in love, he reminded himself. He smiled and held his hand out. She hesitated, then put hers in his.

"Can you do something for me?" She looked at him questioningly.

"Bwa?" He took her other hand and looked at her for a moment, then pushed his thoughts away and kissed her forehead. Be strong, be strong. You have to be the strong one tonight.

"Tonight, can we forget everything else and just be in love?" She bit her lip and looked down but then squared her shoulders, looked up into his face, and nodded.

Taehyung had helped Yoongi prepare a steak dinner to her surprise. He enjoyed that surprised look, especially when he pulled her chair out for her. Did he want to be forced to have sex with someone? No. But the reality was she was a gorgeous woman and no matter how it had happened they belonged to each other.

She made an effort to converse while they ate, asking him questions about his hometown.

He wouldn't let her do the dishes and she kind of disappeared. When he was done he couldn't find her at first, until he went to the bedroom. She was sitting on their bed, looking out the window, the lights reflecting in her eyes. Bright lights bouncing off dark hair and dark eyes, emphasized them more. It made some strands of hair look like a rainbow, like someone took gems and had made the color into living, moving hair dye. His breath caught.

She was wearing a thin bathrobe.

He took his time getting ready for bed.  Even though they were going to come off, he felt too self-conscious to not wear his pajamas.  

She had flicked on one of the bed-side lamps and was curled up on her side, facing away from him, when he came back. He sat on his side, heart pounding in his throat. He'd never done this before and despite the circumstances he didn't want her to be disappointed. He wasn't sure what her expectations were but, whatever they were, he wanted to meet them.

He scooted over next to her and gently rubbed her arm. He saw her take a deep breath and then she rolled over. He studied her face for a moment. Apprehension.

"I want to say something first." He said, hurriedly. The look changed to one of curiosity and she scooted up slightly so her head was propped up on her pillows. The edge of her robe moved and he saw bare thigh. Was she...did she have anything on under there...? Focus. He took her hand and looked down at her. "I just want you to know that I think you are gorgeous. And strong. If I have to go through this I'm glad it's with you. And...I hate our circumstances. But under different circumstances I'd want to date you. I don't..." He fumbled. "I don't want you to think that...I guess...that I only see you as a body and not as a person." He wasn't sure if he was getting across what he wanted to. She didn't say anything for a bit. Then finally...

"What's with all this?" She waved her hand vaguely.

"Because, I don't know why, but I know this is even more difficult for you than it is for me. And I want you to see that I do care about that. I don't know why it is, you don't have to tell me. But I see it. And I'm sorry for whatever it is and what it's done to you." She bit her lip and let it slide between her teeth: soft, plump, and now slightly more red.

"Thank you, Yoongi-ssi." She ran her thumb over the back of his hand and he squeezed hers.

"And now I have a question." He blushed slightly.


"Are you...do you have anything on under that?"

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