"I Choose You."

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Yoongi's POV

He was in shock. It had take him a full minute to realize this wasn't a dream. That she was real. That his child was real. That his child was okay. And he'd only realized it when he looked at the other members' faces. He had expected to feel relieved. She was back. But his heart smarted and all he felt was the hurt of her betrayal. In the end, she hadn't picked him. In the end, she'd ran.

But he still loved her.
He sat down in the chair in his studio, head in his hands. He was angry.
He was in love.


She stayed on the floor. After everyone realized Yoongi wasn't coming back right away Jungkook had tried to convince her to get up but she had remained where she was. She was going to stay there until Yoongi came back. And if it took forever...well..it took forever. She deserved that, she felt.

Suddenly, none of the members wanted to leave. They all sat silently on the floor with her, waiting for Yoongi to come back and decide what happened next.

He was in his studio for an hour before the door opened. Hoseok had tried knocking but had been ignored. All heads except Y/N's had snapped towards it. He looked pale and shaky but nevertheless he walked over and stood in front of her again.

"Why are you here?" He said quietly. She lifted her head just enough to reply.

"To apologize."


"Because I was wrong." Her voice was low but her response was clear. Yoongi was biting his lip, not sure what to say next. Not sure what he needed to hear.

"You just came to say sorry?" No reply. His voice raised slightly, making everyone else wince. "You fucking broke my heart and you think you can fix it by saying sorry?" Still no reply. He felt all the hurt that had built up over the past months rising to the surface. "Goddamnit, Min Y/N!" He turned and slammed his fist into the wall behind him, releasing all his anger, tears flowing down his cheeks. Taehyung and Hoseok were up, hands on him, but he didn't hit it again, just leaned against the wall and sobbed. "Why do I love you." He choked out, pushing Taehyung and Hoseok off and turning around to kneel in front of her. His hands guided her face up. Her cheeks were tear-streaked too. He ran his thumb over them, smearing her tears across her skin. "Why do I love you." He whispered broken-heartedly. He held her face and cried and she cried too, her hands wrapping around his wrists, eyes down.

It was between two lovers but it was between all of them. The rest of Bangtan stayed, a few other teary-eyes were seen.

"Do you love me." Yoongi finally croaked out some time later when he was all cried out. Y/N nodded but kept her eyes down.

"Do you want me to take you back." Again a nod, eyes downcast.

"Are you going to break my heart again." She shook her head, still not looking at him.

"Why'd you leave?  Why didn't you pick me?  Why wasn't I good enough?" Just talking about it made his heart hurt all over again. Another tear slid down her cheek and he wiped it away, focusing on her lips. On the words coming out of her mouth.

"I hurt you. I was trying not to. I thought..." She choked and had to take a deep breath. "I thought you'd be better off without me." He shook his head.  This woman.  Seriously.

"Didn't you think it might hurt me even more to not have the one person in the world I want by my side next to me?" It was her turn to shake her head. "Why'd you come back." He whispered again. He needed to hear it. He needed the reassurance. The confirmation. Y/N's head slid out of his hands and she bowed it, shoulders shaking.

"Because it's too late, I can't live without you. I love you too much."  Fresh tears ran down her face, knowing that she'd caused him even more pain made her hurt worse.

"Look at me." He put his hand under her chin and tilted her head up. She kept her eyes down. "Y/N, stop making me repeat myself." He said, a little more firmly. She looked him in the eye. "How do I know..." His voice cracked and he tried again. "How do I know you're not going to leave again?" He felt pathetic but he knew he wouldn't be able to handle it if she changed her mind. She didn't reply verbally and he was about to exasperatedly remind her to not make him repeat himself, when he realized her hand was scrambling in her jacket pocket. She pulled out a small, black box.

Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other, faces tear-stained as well, Taehyung's hand was over his mouth. Jungkook's eyes went wide.  They both knew where this was going before anyone else did.

Y/N leaned back, letting Yoongi's hands slip off her face and holding the box up to him.

"Min Yoongi." She said quietly, looking him in the eye so as to not make him repeat himself. "I choose you."
She opened the box to reveal a simple silver ring displayed inside. "Will you marry me?  For real?" Everyone sat frozen, waiting to see Yoongi's reaction. As for him...well it wasn't what he'd expected. But what did he expect from the most nontraditional woman on the planet?

"Yes." He said, loud enough for all his brothers to hear. With shaky hands she took the ring out, almost dropping it, and slipped it onto his ring finger. "I'll get one...I just didn't want to buy two if you..." She was cut off by Yoongi's arms wrapping around her, pressing her into him, and his lips crashing down onto hers.

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