Skype Call

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It was time. Y/N took a deep breath and hit the call button, watching as Skype sent the signal all the way to her home country. It was time for her reckoning.

"Hello?" It connected and she didn't have video at first, listening to her sisters shuffle around.

"Turn the camera on." Her brother muttered in the background, sounding like the lovable grump he always was.

And there they were. Y/N was the oldest, physically, but sometimes her brother outshone her in wisdom. They had both spent their growing up years watching out for their two younger sisters, something he had continued to do while she was gone.

She said nothing for a moment, just watching them. She was sure it hadn't been pretty when Lee sent their men to her family's house and got them to a safe place, but she was so glad she'd done it.

"You have some real explaining to do." Her brother's arms were crossed. She nodded, taking another deep breath.

"Well gee, don't say hello or anything." Mikayla grumped, play shoving him. She was the youngest and had always been a sass queen. Y/N couldn't help but break into a smile.

"Where are mom and dad?"

"I felt it was best he wasn't here. Mom took him out to get stuff." Her brother said, his tone communicating everything he wasn't saying. Whatever the worst possible view of the situation was her Dad was going with that. It probably involved a lot of blaming her.


It was a hard conversation but not having to directly face her dad helped. She explained what had happened. Since Yoongi had gotten her a phone she had sporadically texted them so they wouldn't worry but pretty much lied about everything. Her nonexistent teaching job was great. She was single. Seeing the sights...well actually that last part was true.

"I couldn't believe it." The younger girls were gone and now it was just her brother, shaking his head on camera. "When I saw that news article...with your face...and then that announcement..." Y/N was wiping away tears yet again.

"I have some other news too." She said, breaking into his train of thought. His eyebrows perked up.

"Oh? You're married to one of the biggest stars in the world, heading a large company, took out all your enemies, and there's more?" He deadpanned.

"'m kinda pregnant."

Long pause.

"You're either pregnant or you're not, there's no kinda." His voice was flat and she couldn't tell what he was thinking until his face softened into a smile. "Is it his?" She nodded, looking down at her fingernails.

"How far along?"

"Just a little over a month now."

"Wow." He leaned back and stretched his neck. "Man, I'm going to be an uncle."

"Deh. Yeah." She corrected herself quickly, so used to responding affirmatively in Korean.

"How do you feel about him? Are you guys staying together?" She bit her lip.

"He's a good guy. He wants it to work."

"But do you?" She shrugged.

"You know what my dreams were."

"Are." He corrected. "Are. Dreams don't die till you let them."

"Yeah, you know what my dreams are." Her brother looked off towards something beyond the computer, not saying anything for a bit. She fidgeted with one of the books lying on the coffee table.

"Tell you what. Give me a couple weeks to put in for some time off and I'll make a trip out there okay?"

"Really?" She would never have told him, she didn't want him to feel guilty, but she missed him like crazy and wanted to see him in person again. Every time she'd lied these past months she had felt like her soul was being crushed. Not that it could have been crushed anymore, but it felt like it.

"Yeah. I want to meet the father of your child. And after that we'll talk more, okay?"

"Okay." Her voice sounded a little brighter.

"K, I'd love to keep talking with you but I'm meeting some friends. Stay in touch, I'll let you know when I'm coming."

"Thanks, bro." She ended the call and sat back in relief, feeling the tears come yet again. God, she was so hormonal.


Yoongi's POV

"He said he'd like to come out and meet you." Yoongi hadn't heard much about Y/N's family but from what she said he liked the sound of her brother. He just hoped the feeling would be mutual.

"Well he's certainly welcome. When he gets more details let me know. I can talk with management."

"How was your concert?"

"It was good. ARMY always makes me so happy."

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