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She felt weak, sometimes it took all her energy to eat. But she hauled her butt out of bed, booked a taxi, and shakily made her way to the airport where she scheduled a flight.

Please, please, forgive me. I was wrong.  She was in that space where you realize you've messed up big time and can't focus on anything else until you've set things right.

There was a jewelry store and an idea popped into her head. If he forgave her. Anything to distract herself from the nervousness she now felt at flying back to Korea.


Y/N threw up in Incheon Airport from the stress. She clutched a jewelry box in her coat pocket and struggled to keep her nausea down. It wasn't the baby, it was the anticipation. What if...what if he didn't need her as much as she needed him? What if she was really as pathetic as she felt?  What if he was just fine and she was about to humiliate herself?
The taxi driver shot her an incredulous look when they pulled up outside of BigHit's offices.

"You're not one of those sasaengs, are you?"


"That's exactly what one of them would say." He turned around and stuck his finger in her face. "My daughter loves those boys. Don't hurt them." He said fiercely.
It was too late, she thought.

She walked quickly so the fans gathered outside the building couldn't stop her. Security took one look at her as she walked in and stepped aside.

"They're in a meeting, top floor, ma'am." Y/N nodded her appreciation but saying nothing. Her voice would betray her if she did.


She didn't knock. She just stood on her feet, a couple feet from the door, head down. Was this a good idea? Should she just leave and call? No. She deserved this. If the meeting went on for hours it served her right for so royally screwing everything up.

The door opened but she was so lost in thought she didn't realize until she heard a thud, a curse, and then silence. She looked up to see a stunned Jungkook and Namjoon, the latter appeared to have had his eyes on his phone and had smacked into Jungkook who had stopped in the doorway upon seeing Y/N.

"Y..." Jungkook licked his lips and blinked, sure he was hallucinating. "Y/N..."

"Yaaaaah, why are you blocking the road..." Jin's voice trailed off as he looked over Namjoon's shoulder. Y/N didn't say anything, just looked back down. Jin gently pushed Namjoon and Jungkook out into the hallway so he could get past them.

"Y/N, is that you?" He asked, starting to reach out towards her then stopping himself.  She nodded but didn't look up. The commotion had attracted the attention of the others and the rest filed out. Yoongi was last, head down as well. But he looked up when Hoseok's hand slammed across his chest, both to get his attention and protect his space if he felt like he needed it. Everyone looked stunned but no one spoke, waiting to see what Yoongi would do.

He just stared. And Y/N truly realized her mistake. Because he looked like absolute shit. Even more than when they'd been forcibly married. They just stood staring at each other. Until Y/N slowly got on her knees, in doing so showing everyone she was still fully pregnant.

"I'm sorry, Min Yoongi." She said in the absolutely most formal Korean possible, before tipping her upper body forward, as prostrate as she could be before him with her tummy tucked between her thighs.
Again there was stunned silence. Yoongi looked disbelieving. Hoseok was watching his face carefully, trying to get a read on him. His heart sank when he saw it morph into hurt and anger. Yoongi said nothing, just looked away and walked past her, towards his studio.

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