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Yoongi's POV


"Shutup, Hobi!"

"Yoongi, what...ouch!" He loosened his grip slightly but still held onto her wrist, leading her down the stairs to the floor where his other studio was. He unlocked the door and pushed her inside, slamming the door behind them. He didn't turn around right away, taking a few, deep breathes to calm himself. He'd taken himself by surprise, he rarely got infuriated these days. When he thought he was calm enough to speak he turned around and faced her. She had backed up against the back of his couch and was rubbing her wrist, eyes never leaving his profile.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He finally said.


"You let everyone touch you. You let everyone hug you. You let everyone cuddle with you. Except me. I want to know why." He enunciated his last sentence slowly. Her eyes shifted and she looked away. So it was true. He wasn't imagining it. She didn't respond and that only fueled his irritation. "Goddamnit, would you just fucking answer me for once instead of making me drag it out of you?! Do you know how hurtful it is to see Jin able to just walk up and feel your stomach but if I do it you'll "discreetly" find a way to get away from me?!" His voice was raised and she flinched. "Do you want to leave, is that it?! Is this your way of telling me we're done?!" He felt tears coming to his eyes and he angrily blinked them away.

"No." Her voice was so small he didn't hear it at first. She had to repeat herself. He ran his fingers through his hair and sucked in a breath.

"Then why."

"Um...uh...." She tried to start and then stop a response multiple times and finally he had to get out of there.

"I can't do this anymore." He meant continue the conversation right then but Y/N heard something else as he started punching in the code to his door.

"I won't be able to stop." He stopped. His head turned. She was looking down, her palm shading her eyes so he couldn't see them.

"Stop what."

"Stop..." She paused for a second and took a deep breath. "God Yoongi-ssi, I am so fucking horny all the time." She sniffled and he knew she was trying not to cry. He looked at her in disbelief.


"Every time you touch me all I can think about is begging you to take me to someplace private. It's distracting and I feel so guilty but..." Her voice was quieter. "It won't go away." He didn't know what to say, he just kept staring at her in stunned silence. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to hurt you. I wasn't thinking, it's been really distracting..." She was avoiding him because she was horny. Now he felt like an idiot. He turned back to the door and planted his hands on his hips, taking in and letting out a deep breath. Damn, he'd really misread things.

Neither of them moved for the longest time. It was a knock at the door that made Yoongi change positions. He swung it open to see a visibly uncomfortable Hoseok shifting from one foot to the other, looking guilty.

"Suga-hyung, I'm..." Yoongi held his hand up.

"I need to finish this conversation. We're fine, we're good. We'll talk after. I'm sorry." His expression was so completely different from a couple minutes ago that Hoseok took a few extra seconds to process it. He didn't get to reply before Yoongi closed the door again. What on earth had that been about?

"We're not really having a conversation." Y/N mumbled when he leaned back against the door. He felt relieved and even smiled a little at her words. He also felt like an idiot for getting worked up over nothing. He was chastising himself for not saying something to her earlier. He'd put himself through unnecessary angst by doing so. He pushed himself up and walked over to her, putting his hands on the couch on either side of her body.

"Can I hug you?" She nodded and he wrapped her up in his arms, breathing her scent in and feeling at once like he was home.

"I'm sorry."

"Me too. I should've just talked to you." She nuzzled her face into his neck and he froze.

"Y/N...I...." He loosened his arms and stepped back. "I can't. I'm sorry." He instantly saw a mask go up and it unsettled him but he wanted to make his point clear. "You're very attractive and I love you, but it's going to kill me if I go all the way with you right now and you leave later." He gulped, just the thought of the possibly of it put a lump in his throat. "I'm sorry but I won't be able to handle it." He looked down. To his surprise she rehugged him.

"I understand." She said quietly. He felt relief again and squeezed her. They were silent for awhile before she asked, "Did it really hurt you?"

"Mmmmm?" He was savoring this so it took him a second to get his gears moving again.

"Me trying to deal with this on my own."

"My misperception hurt me." He tried to be clear about not blaming her. But it didn't matter. She'd already made up her mind on what she was going to hear and that's what she heard.

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